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So there's this country song I've heard about a red dirt road.. Let's just say red CLAY road 1, Ross 0.. Went to look at a piece of property today and while I knew it had been raining, it had only been for a couple of hours where I was at.. Obviously much more where I was going.. I didn't realize until it was to late that the road was totally covered in clay.. Needless to say, I started slowly around a bend in the road and the truck started to slide and that was all she wrote.. Used some of the skills I've learned hear and was able to get out without any assistance, like calling for help etc. so that was good.. Bad thing was that truck slid into a ditch along a bank and I had to drive basically down the ditch along the bank before I could get the tires to hook up.. So quite a bit of body damage and I'm minus a mirror as you can see, but I did get out.. I then had to drive another two miles in this crap and let me tell you, I don't think I've ever been so focused in my life..

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