Caught this guy at Pyramid Lake outside Los Angeles. I can't wait to get up to the sierras for some trout fishing!

Love all my B2's !!my favorite is a r.l. winston bllt 7'6" 3 wt. with an original orvis cfo 1 reel. pretty hard to beat that combo.
Nice did you fish with reds flyshop? I actually live I Yakima and fish the river regularly. I actually was a guide myself for The Evening HatchFinally fished the Yakima last week. My mom had given me a gift cert. for a guided float a couple of years ago, and this year she was up for Mother's Day so I gave her the same thing. The water was a bit murky, but much lower than it had been over the weekend, so we had hope. We ended up catching nine fish with a streamer set up. I caught six, mom caught three, but she got the two biggest (16" and 18"). Two of mine were squawfish so I guess they don't really count.
Near the take-out point a few fish were finally starting to rise so we tried a bit of dry fly fishing. Our guide really wanted one that kept teasing us by taking surface bugs, but wouldn't take our offering. We tried about 25 casts between us but never got more than a sniff. It was downstream from us and in a swirling current, so a bit hard for me to get a good drift. When our guide said it was time to head in, another jumped behind (i.e. upstream) from me. Our guide saw that look in my eyes and handed me a rod. "I'll just try one cast" I said, that was all it took. My fly hit the water and BAM!
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The perfect way to end the day!
Nice did you fish with reds flyshop? I actually live I Yakima and fish the river regularly. I actually was a guide myself for The Evening Hatch
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