Side-mount Jerry can holders


Expedition Leader
I did the morryde jerry can holder as well. Oddly, the nylon lock nuts were not the right thread for the bolts but other than that it’s awesome. Good mount point for ham radio antenna to boot! I will get one for passenger side as well.

MORryde got back to me - they're very sorry for the inconvenience and if you contact they'll glady send you a replacement hardware package.


Hillbilly of Leisure
I checked in with Dinuba Water this morning since teh Jerry cans showed on their website as out of stock and here is what they replied, quite promptly too:

Here is the status: We have made a number of upgrades to the containers.
The round containers will be double walled for added insulation value. We are also upgrading the stainless steel to 304L grade which has less carbon content than standard 304 grade. The lower carbon content makes the stainless steel more corrosion resistant, especially at the welds. We also no longer use standard TIG welds but have upgraded to laser welds. All of these improvements increase the life span and quality of the containers. In addition, we have made a few design changes. Our problem was finding a factory that could do all of the things I listed above. We tested and rejected 3 before we found one that could perform to our expectations. We have reached production agreements with them and they are currently producing the tooling and dies required to fabricate our products. We expect to receive the first prototypes near the end of this month or early July. If they meet our testing standards, we will begin production immediately. Production runs take up to 30 days, so I expect to have them sometime in August. However, once we test the prototypes, I will place the pictures on the website and open presales on them. This has taken far longer than we planned, but we simply could not work with factories that could not perform to our requirements.

There are also a number of improvements on the Jerry Can. They will be available on the same schedule.

Thanks for your patience.

Dinuba Water


I was leaning towards the MorRyde Rotopax kit for my JK...but these stainless cans interest me. As of today the Dinuba cans don't seem to be available anywhere. Does anyone have info about when they might be in stock again? If the "improvements" include a tap towards the bottom of the can (so they can be used at camp without moving them) then I'll certainly purchase one.

We drink from either glass or stainless at home, so this might be what I'm looking for. I can't seem to find a price anywhere either. Any ideas about that? This is holding up my MorRyde order, lol.



Expedition Leader
Does anyone know if Rubicans are still being made? Cant seem to find them with web searches.
This came up in an email conversation I was having with Joel at Retrofit Offroad just the other day. He said he was out of them at the moment and wasn't sure if he was going to stock them again. You might want to contact him to see what he plans to do.


As of today the Dinuba cans don't seem to be available anywhere. Does anyone have info about when they might be in stock again?

The website mentions some challenges they were having with production - maybe try to send an email on the contact page and request an update? Steve is the name of the guy who runs Dinuba and I've always found him to be responsive.

Also, I bought this device to help keep my jerry cans of water from freezing during travel and cold nights at camp. Will let you know if it works! Easier than keeping them next to the fire all the time.




Active member
I'd hate like hell to get t-boned with 5 gal of gas hanging there, that would get interesting real quick.


Expedition Leader
I'd hate like hell to get t-boned with 5 gal of gas hanging there, that would get interesting real quick.
All of the accident statistics I've seen show that by far the most common type of collision is rear-ending, so I'd rather have my jerry cans on the side than on the back where most people mount them.

Best practice in any case is to leave the cans empty (regardless of where they're mounted) until the last gas station before hitting the trail, and emptying them into the tank when leaving the trail and going back on the road. That's what I do.

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