Signed back up for the gym...


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
I miss being physically fit and in good shape... so today i signed back up for the gym i used to go to 3-4 years ago. :wings: I ended up getting burned out on it so i took a break, but never thought it would have lasted this long. Im way over due.

I can't wait to get back in there lifting , running, cycling and swimming laps so i can get back down to this weight again..


(even in this photo i could still drop at least 10-15lbs)

I'd like to get down to 185. Im 242. I know it doesn't happen over night and i know what to do. I've done it before. Its just going to take a while, i remember when i was last working out i was training for a triathlon and i was running, swimming and biking all in the same day workout. No wonder i got burned out!

Anyhoo, just figured i'd post to make it official so that way i can keep myself motivated. Also i need to get back in , because i have high blood pressure and im young. The dr. said its all that weight im carrying.

Sorry for the obscene bathroom shot of my ugly gut :Wow1:


I need to do the same, I am 185 at the moment but would like to be a stone lighter at least, I have a bad back though so its a dread that I keep putting off over and over. I seriously would like to build up some more muscle support around my back to take some of the pressure off my spine.
I used to be 110 lbs when I was climbing and MTB ing everyday but that was a little too low! It shot up when my back went though.


i need to get down to 180 again. 170 would be ideal. i'm current 210. good luck i've been having a hard time being motivated to get out mountain biking with the intense southern humidity


Expedition Leader
Keep up the discipline and motivation fellas. One thing I can recommend is a gym partner, keeps you focused and pushes you harder.

I have rarely kept a good lifting buddy because they are too erratic, but when I had one, I noticed much better results.

You all probably already know this, but don't overtrain, its worse on your body and longterm you wind up burning out. Try a good high impact interval training workout, they sound simple but are very very effective. I am working on getting up to around 15mins of cardio during a normal workout and thats it. High intensity - something like 3minutes of a tabata circuit at the begining of your workout, three minutes of kipping after 10 minutes, three minutes of full on sprint after another 10 minutes, three minutes of kipping again, and finishing off with 3 minutes of tabata circuit at the end of your workout.


Congratulations! Great that I made around Thanksgiving time last year. My weight hasn't changed a bit, but % of body fat, bone density, blood pressure, resting heart rate have all improved dramatically. I weigh the same, but look like and feel like a new person.

As the previous poster stated, either HIIT or Tabata (they are not the same thing) was what I chose when it came to cardio. Although, it's not for everyone...traditional cardio still works, just takes more time.

I wish you the best of luck in your attaining your goals.


Been going to my local gym more often lately and feel better already. I feel best when I go at least 3 times a week, it just makes me more alert and energetic.



Expedition Leader
If you really need the motivation, post up your bodyfat, resting heart rate, VOXX, every week. Let us heckle you if the numbers dont improve that will get you motivated really quick.

What i did after i left my previous(very stressful job, 100+hr weeks) and I was in awful shape, is let two girls circle on my body wherever i needed to improve. be it low muscle tone, love handles, fat deposits. Having someone circle on your body with a sharpie all the places that needs help is very humiliating, but it will get you motivated super quickly!!

Also recommend taking up a sport that improves your overall physique and adds confidence. In college i played pro-tennis, great cardio work out but didnt do a lot to shape my body. Now i practice krav maga religiously with some MMA twice a week after a krav maga session. The confidence boost from learning to defend yourself is amazing and the body sculpting you get is hard to replicate with traditional weights.



Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Sam, i've been "dunked" , "calipered", sharpied and the whole nine yards in the past. Im good with knowing what to do, i just need to do it :D


Look at that beautiful woman next to you that you want to spend the rest of your life with. There is your motivation. She is worth it.



Ih8gyms. But we're all programmed differently. I was a gym RAT for almost 14 years straight.

You know why Ih8gyms? Because they motivate people to take shirtless pictures of themselves in a bathroom and post on internet forums :D :elkgrin:

JK Dave. Kick some *** man. It improves everything else in life. You've got great momentum and energy all around you... use it.


Authentic Adventurer
It improves everything else in life. You've got great momentum and energy all around you... use it.

Can I get a 5 o'clock wake up call with that while i'm draggin my big *** outta bed??

How easy it is to forget when so comfy in bed!


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
24 hour fitness sport in Anaheim hills. Went there for nearly 5 years straight. Just the 7 day free pass to see if i still want to go there. The problem im facing is, i dont want to leave the LC parked outside because i hear of break ins while people are working out (Yosh takes our DD to the pharmacy). Now im looking for a place i can swim near work where i can ride my mtb too and get a work out both ways. The other thing, im already noticing is last night which was supposed to be my first night back i had to stay at work to finish a rush job for a customer. This is the problem when you own/run your own biz. We just dont have much time. Anyhoo, i'll get in shape , gym or not.

Think i'll get back on the MTB more. I have the river trail nearby and Chino Hills SP to ride. I used to cross country race in the NORBA circuit so i know i love it. Just got burned out on that one too.. was riding everyday. Guess i dont do anything moderately eh? :D


I found my simplest solution is a stationary cycle out in the garage with a tv in front of it. If I want to watch a game or whatever I have to go do it on the bike. It's easy to set targets as well. One game, sitcom, documentary equals one unit of sweat

Luckily I have a few weights there as well for a change of scenery when it suits me

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