Glamping Society
24 hour fitness sport in Anaheim hills. Went there for nearly 5 years straight. Just the 7 day free pass to see if i still want to go there. The problem im facing is, i dont want to leave the LC parked outside because i hear of break ins while people are working out (Yosh takes our DD to the pharmacy). Now im looking for a place i can swim near work where i can ride my mtb too and get a work out both ways. The other thing, im already noticing is last night which was supposed to be my first night back i had to stay at work to finish a rush job for a customer. This is the problem when you own/run your own biz. We just dont have much time. Anyhoo, i'll get in shape , gym or not.
Think i'll get back on the MTB more. I have the river trail nearby and Chino Hills SP to ride. I used to cross country race in the NORBA circuit so i know i love it. Just got burned out on that one too.. was riding everyday. Guess i dont do anything moderately eh?![]()
Dave thats the problem we faced as well. My schedule especially is constantly changing and you never know when that next client is going to call and need you right in the middle of your work-out plans. I found more and more if I was even making it to the gym it was for a quick 30 mins on the elliptical and then I had to leave. We finally just bit the bullet and purchased one for in the home and got rid of the gym membership. Between that, biking and hiking (when its not 2000 degrees outside) I find I'm getting at least more workouts in. I'm going to be purchasing some Powerblock weights for home soon too so we can add that aspect.
I find that I've never been much of a gym rat anyway, and have a hard time even motivating myself to go. Having something at home is a lot easier.