SilicaRich's Overland TJ Rubicon Build


Wandering Inverted
Thought you got yourself some new fishing gear at first. Realized it seemed a tad big for that after a min:sombrero:

Well they made rod holders about that size that can mount to your rack so don't be surprised if you see one of those in the future too:D

Currently waiting on the Gobi awning mounts which should arrive around Tuesday and then I'll get her mounted up!


Wandering Inverted
Once the awning is installed, I will be at more or less of a hiatus with the whole "overland building" process and start doing some more exploring or "overland". Keep in mind I should have a little motorcycle in my possession in a year or so that I have to dump money into too. Figure I'll finally work a few more kinks out dealing with functionally (new brake rotors and OPDA replacement that I keep saying I'll do) and then start focusing more on needs rather than fancy, showy wants. Only other want/need that I'm considering is another pair of offroad lights for additional visibility on and offroad. I would likely relocated my current IPF 968s on the rack (nothing against the IPFs, they are more of a spotlight and would likely perform a little better raised) and maybe add a set of Light Force HIDs up on the bullbar. Something that I find particularly nice about the Light Force's are the different lens colors to suit your needs, as well as being at a good price point.

Other than that, here is a current photo of the Jeep. Finally got around to washing and waxing her this weekend (first time since last winter) as well as find some unwanted pinstripping on my hood from my last offroad outing.

And here is the heep mallcrawling on a daily basis


Wandering Inverted
Happened to be browsing on Wrangler Forum when I happened to fall upon a PCV issue on someone's Jeep. Besides that, it reminded me of when I replaced the rear PCV grommet two years back but didn't replace the front and rear elbows or front grommet. Happened to do a little research regarding clogged PCVs and found information regarding backfires and hits on mpg. That being said, for the $10 at O'Reilly's I think I might go ahead and replace the PCVs with a little hope it'll solve my mpg issues and make stops at the gas station a little less frequent.


Wandering Inverted
Changed out the rear PCV valve, very crusty from oil and looks like their might have been a crack in the valve. Front one looked fine so I left it as is. Fingers crossed this makes the engine a little happier.

Noticed something as I was closing my carrier. I've been hearing a rattle coming from the rear driver side corner that I haven't been able to pinpoint for the last 8 months or so. Originally thought it was the ladder and then the license plate but after slamming the carrier shut I happened to hear the noise. Duplicating closing the carrier over and over again I managed to pinpoint the rattle to my driver side taillight. Sure enough, the plastic housing is cracked and creating the rattle. I now distinctly remember whacking the hell out of it while unloading my kayak earlier in the year. As far as I can see, everything still works fine so a replacement isn't a must have but will likely replace the goods later on since rattles suck in general. Might pull it apart this weekend and see what a bit of superglue or JB Weld can do.


Wandering Inverted
I was going to get the new awning mounted up today but noticed the provided nuts a bolts to attach the awning to the brackets might be a bit of an issue. The nut and bolt head are slightly bigger than the holes so I'll go ahead and purchase some washers as a precaution. Nothing major, probably will do it tomorrow after classes since I'm not feeling my best today.

However, the other week I noticed my steering wheel cover was starting to show its wear after 3 years so I decided to order some paracord to replace it. This is what I currently have so far, not perfect but not a bad job overall. I have another 50ft of a slightly different style coming in this week to wrap up the other bare spots.


Wandering Inverted
Neat idea with the steering wheel. Jeep running a little better now?

No difference I can tell so far but then again I've only driven 15 miles since swapping in the new PCV replacements. Had a slight vacuum leak initially when I put everything back together but solved that relatively quick. I'm just hoping this solves my mpg horrors. There is no reason I should be getting 8-10 mpg with my set up. My last resort is going to be swapping in a stock intake, after that I don't know what to do


From the factory service manual:
DESCRIPTION - CCV SYSTEM The 4.0L 6-cylinder engine is equipped with a Closed Crankcase Ventilation (CCV) system and a fixed orifice valve (Fig. 1). The 2.4L 4-cylinder uses a PCV valve. Refer to PCV Valve for 2.4L information.
OPERATION - CCV SYSTEM The CCV system performs the same function as a conventional PCV system, but does not use a vacuum controlled valve. On 4.0L 6-cylinder engines, a molded vacuum tube connects manifold vacuum to the top of the cylinder head (valve) cover. The vacuum fitting contains a fixed orifice of a calibrated size. It meters the amount of crankcase vapors drawn out of the engine. When the engine is operating, fresh air enters the engine and mixes with crankcase vapors. Manifold vacuum draws the vapor/air mixture through the fixed orifice and into the intake manifold.


Wandering Inverted
From the factory service manual:
DESCRIPTION - CCV SYSTEM The 4.0L 6-cylinder engine is equipped with a Closed Crankcase Ventilation (CCV) system and a fixed orifice valve (Fig. 1). The 2.4L 4-cylinder uses a PCV valve. Refer to PCV Valve for 2.4L information.
OPERATION - CCV SYSTEM The CCV system performs the same function as a conventional PCV system, but does not use a vacuum controlled valve. On 4.0L 6-cylinder engines, a molded vacuum tube connects manifold vacuum to the top of the cylinder head (valve) cover. The vacuum fitting contains a fixed orifice of a calibrated size. It meters the amount of crankcase vapors drawn out of the engine. When the engine is operating, fresh air enters the engine and mixes with crankcase vapors. Manifold vacuum draws the vapor/air mixture through the fixed orifice and into the intake manifold.


My grommets and valves were relatively crusty as well as cracked reason I chose to replace them. Also read somewhere that a clogged or cracked valve can hinder mpg so that was my other reason.


Wandering Inverted
Well it's been a bit. Left Fayetteville at 9:45 am yesterday to drive back home to Houston and had the most bizarre and stressful drive of my life. My drive was easy up till I got into the Ouachitas in Oklahoma.
This photo just is the beginning of it. Visibility got down to about a 1/2 mile from all the mist and overcast. Pretty much drove at a slow creep of 60mph in a 70mph zone due to the gross conditions and wet road. Once I crossed into Texas, the mist cleared and I was back at my normal pace. About 30 miles outside of my 2nd stop I hear weird "thump" and look in my passenger sideview mirror...
...and off went my CB antenna. So I pulled off into a farm access road and walked back to retrieve my antenna. Not sure how it happened but I guess the antenna just unscrewed, may have to replace the antenna due to the threads getting buggered up when they impact with asphalt. If that wasn't comical, then the head of around 50 cattle staring at me across the fence was. Tossed my antenna in the back of the Jeep and kept driving. I eventually jumped on I45 and driving conditions got immediately bad. Fog and mist had visibility at an 1/8 mile or less. For my safety, I cruised happily between 50-55mph in the 75mph zone. Everyone else on the road for the most part agreed. As I approached Centerville, traffic slowed. The culprit, a flipped over Camry and a half-dozen cars pulled off to the side helping the driver out of his vehicle. As I passed, I couldn't help think I was going to see a wreck today. I finally exited I45 onto 90 and continued my snail's pace going 15 under the speed limit due to the driving conditions which had gotten slightly better. That's when ******* hit the fan.

About a half mile outside of Bedias I was still doing my slow pace. That's when about 800ft ahead of me I watched as lights darted towards the ditch on my passenger side. Dust flew up and the lights twirled as I watched a small white SUV flip and land on its driver side. I immediately pulled over, threw on my hazards, and jumped out of my Jeep to render aid. As I jumped out of my Jeep, the driver of the vehicle that was driving 300ft ahead of me pointed at me and yelled for me to call 911 as he and 4 or 5 others ran towards the flipped SUV with screaming and crying coming from it. I initially could not reach 911, so a kind driver who had showed up to the scene seconds later lent me her phone and I made the call. By the time I had finished my call with 911, two children (ages looked 2 and 4) were being carried away from the SUV and an adult female with blood across her forehead was exiting the front passenger door while the other adult female exited the rear of the vehicle clutching her knee. The ambulance arrived and luckily it appeared no one was seriously hurt and the children were unharmed. I stayed at the scene until the cleanup crew and firetruck arrived to provide assistance if needed before finally getting back on the road.

At that point, I had another 2 hours of driving but continued my snail's pace even with the improved driving conditions. My mom was absolutely terrified for me and I was in a bit of a shocked state, so out of respect for her I creeped the rest of the way home before finally rolling into my drive at 9pm.

I am unsure of what caused the wreck but from what I overheard with the victims talking with the paramedics, the driver was distracted in some way whether it be by phone, bad driving conditions, or maybe just being tired. I am very thankful that no one was seriously hurt, but really wish people would be more careful on the roads especially in bad driving conditions. Happy to be home safe and in one piece.


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