Simple Shower


Not sure if this is the right place to post (or if it should be in the Classified section), but I think this fits better here. Mods, if I'm wrong, please don't hesitate to move it.

Anyhow, I invented and am manufacturing in the USA (patent pending) the Simple Shower[SUP]tm[/SUP]. You can see it at (sorry, but I can't seem to upload a photo at this time). It's a small showerhead that turns any one or two liter bottle into a handheld shower (and, yes, it works with the Platypus brand collapsible bottles). As we've just started manufacturing, it hasn't hit many retailers yet, but it's on Amazon.

Just to give you an idea on how well it works, we had a power outage here last week and I used two 2-liter bottles and had more than enough water for a full shower (flow is 1.8 gal/min or 3.3 Liters/minute). Heated some water on the gas range, poured it in the bottles (the Simple Shower also serves as a funnel for the bottle), and that was it :snorkel:.

It's much easier to use than a solar shower (easier to fill, lift, and use), and it doesn't get to scalding temps like a solar shower (been there, done that).

I plan on using it on my RTW in 2017.

Ask away if you've got any questions.


Forgot to mention - it puts out a campfire better than calling in an aerial firefighter (like seen in the movie "Always").


Thanks Chevyexpotruck. I'm quite pleased with it (first invention I ever took from concept to manufacturing).

Let's see if I can post an image of it.


Hey, it worked :wings:


Well, I did a little experiment yesterday. I took a 5 gallon bucket and cut up some Reflectix so I turned the bucket into a thermal insulator. I put two 2 liter bottles and two 1 liter bottles full of warm water (110 degrees Fahrenheit) inside it. After 16 hours (2 pm yesterday to 6:30 AM this morning) the water temp was 84 degrees. So, for those of you looking for a warm shower in the morning (which is when I like mine), just convert your 5 gallon bucket into a thermal insulator, load up several 2 liter bottles with hot water, and cover. I imagine that the temperature would have been hotter after only 8 or 12 hours (next experiment). The bucket cost little (about $2) and can be used for a variety of things (porta potty, clothes washing machine, etc.) and the Reflectix was $11.

Again, having issues with posting photos :mad: Maybe I'll get one in later.
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You need to specify what the ambient temp was before the number makes any real sense. That said, this might just be the ticket for a quick rinse after a long ride. Not so much for mtn biking, as I would still have extra to hose off the bike. But for road biking, I could leave a 2 liter bottle of water without fear of anyone stealing it, right on the roof rack.


Ambient temperature when I put the water filled bottles into the bucket was 67 F, and went down to 65F overnight (it was in my kitchen - a real high tech lab :coffeedrink:.

When I did a test warming water with the sun, I started out with 58F water, 70F ambient temperature, and a clear, windless day. In an hour all bottles (1L, 2L, and a solar shower) were at ambient temperature. In three hours the 1L was at 102F, the 2L at 100F, and the solar shower exceeded 120F (I don't know how hot it got, as my thermometer only registers up to 120F).


Awesome...........The only thing I'd add is a waterproof thermometer that you could put inside the bottle to see water temp. Paint one side of the bottle black and put it in the sun! Yes...a nice warm shower in minutes!


Awesome...........The only thing I'd add is a waterproof thermometer that you could put inside the bottle to see water temp. Paint one side of the bottle black and put it in the sun! Yes...a nice warm shower in minutes!

I would look at getting an adhesive thermometer (maybe something for an aquarium?) and sticking it to the outside of whatever bottle you are using. Won't be particularly accurate, but close enough probably. Would be cool to have it packaged with the shower, but would add $3-$5 for the cost of a cheap thermometer and wouldn't necessarily work with every bottle/container.

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