Here is the old squarebody setup!
Matt - glad you chimed in. Hoping to show this to Ann later.
Here is the old squarebody setup!
My wife and I love our old 1970 Suburban with a sleep inside setup,
We have 4 fold flat seats out of mini-vans (2 in front & 2 in rear)
center console between the front for storage and fridge between the rear seats.
the sleep platform is the height of the flat seats/fridge so a ton of room.
Storage under the platform and canvas window covers with magnets (got those from Nick here on Expo)
Easy to stealth camp
I think one thing to consider when you are working on your sleeping arrangements is how do you usually camp on your trips? IOW, do you typically go somewhere, set up a "base camp" for a few days and then take day trips from there, coming back to your base at night? Or do you constantly stay on the move, pack up each morning and head to a new destination for that night?
The reason I mention that is that for the first type - "base camp" - it's a lot easier to set up a tent or even pull a small trailer for your base, and then set up your camp from there. Sleeping in your vehicle in that kind of trip means that every morning you have to pack everything up and put it back in your vehicle, which could get old in a hurry.
On the flip side, if you are constantly moving from place to place, it's setting up that camp that's going to get old so you might instead prefer to have a simpler, lighter camp set up where you can pull into a remote site and be set up for the night in 15 - 20 minutes, with breakdown time being similar.
When I travel with the wife we do the first type of camping ("Base camp") with our teardrop trailer, and when I go by myself it's the second type. My "camp setup" when I'm solo is to pull in to the site, take a few plastic totes with my cooking gear and move them around so there's enough room to roll out the sleeping bag, set up a simple folding table for cooking, and that's pretty much it. No tent, awning, trailer, etc. I can typically get set up in about 20 minutes and tear down and put everything away, ready to travel, in roughly the same amount of time.
By contrast, when camping with our trailer it can take over an hour to set up our camp and that's with two of us working. I usually get the trailer leveled and chocked, then disconnect and from that point on I'm lowering the stabilizer jacks, getting the pop up shelter out, putting the side awning on the trailer, setting up several tables and chairs, etc. It's actually something that is a complete PITA if we have to pack up and move the next day which is why we only set up like that when we know we'll be at a place for at least 2 nights.
So I would say, figure out what kind of camping your family will be doing first and then work from there.
Mmm....exped max 10lxw I spot there! No better camping pad, imho. I've been sleeping exclusively on one for 2 years now!My wife and I love our old 1970 Suburban with a sleep inside setup,
We have 4 fold flat seats out of mini-vans (2 in front & 2 in rear)
center console between the front for storage and fridge between the rear seats.
the sleep platform is the height of the flat seats/fridge so a ton of room.
Storage under the platform and canvas window covers with magnets (got those from Nick here on Expo)
Easy to stealth camp
This past weekend I went on my first camping trip with my 1991 Suburban in the NC mountains. I slept the first night in my bantam trailer/truck tent mash up and that went well, but dang it was cold. On night 2 I slept in the second seat of the Burb. Thank goodness I am only 5'6".. When I got home I pulled the 3rd seat out and Ann and I confirmed that we can both fit nicely in the cargo space...
I am thinking we can create some screens for the windows and the back doors... or perhaps pick up one of those SUV tents that have an envelope around the back of the rig...
So... Show me your sleeping arrangements! Does not have to be in a Suburban, or even SUV. I am looking for ideas and am open to all comers. Any info and pics you can share would be awesome.
You guys are right on it. We have an air mattress already that I think will fit. The screens held on with Magnets over the windows is a great idea... I wonder if Ann can rig us a giant one to cover the rear opening of the Burb.
Keep those pics coming. It is really helping a lot.