I'm concerned about getting them aligned well enough that they will slide off.
the 94-97 rams had the cup holders mounted high, above the radio. it was awkward and was a blind spot when you stuck a big-gulp up there, and mine were broken when i got the truck.
i needed something better, and a place for radios and switches ect. i had this console in my mind, i wasnt sure how to build it. what to make it out of, where to tie into ect. i finally just started building it, with the expectation i may re-do the who thing later, i just needed to start some where. i started by looking to see what material was in stock, 10' of light weight 3/4" steel box tubing. then it started to take shape.
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. its not a work of art, but it is very sturdy, has room for all my stuff, and isnt a complete eyesore.
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i used "blind nuts" or "riv-nuts" to hold on the face plate NOTE-pay the extra money for the aluminum ones, the set/crush much easier than the brass ones
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the down tubes are 3/4" tube, kinda thick wall. the base plates are about 2"x7" 3/16 plate and bolt through the existing bolts under the center seat
i bought a piece of 3'x3'x1/4" ABS from a local plastic place for about $30. i used a heat gun to bend it. it took alot of heat, but eventually bend pretty good. the cup holders are big enough for big cups and i got at WestMarine, the boat place
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i got a cool "push on, push off" button from a military surplus store. it turns on an LED license plate light pointed at my wifes feet.
the panel does not go all the way to the floor, and there is no panel on the drivers side, so i can easily reach the transfer case, and i can reach all the wiring.
you can also see where i mounted my trans temp gauge in the old cup holder location
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I wanted to revisit your excellent addition with this. Great execution and thanks for sharing it. I've been putting together my version and I'm so stuck b/c my infamous cup holders are the down low, fold down ones. I still use and love it! Especially the better half, you know? So part of my struggle was having it sized back to allow access still. Still mulling it over.
I wanted to ask how yours is still holding up with the time that's passed and the great trips done with it? Any hindsight 20/20 things or just updates you'd like to do, but their not deal breakers? I will have CB, HAM, power center, GPS, and switches as well. I currently have a 800w inverter on the floor and large mag light on the floor.
Any concern with how your comes up to the dash? Movement ok? Are you mounted directly to the seat structure and then resting on the tranny tunnel?
Thanks in advance for any input.