First EarthRoamer Around the World
The actual cause of the breakdown was an oil leak – not faulty electronics. An oil line fitting developed a leak resulting in oil pressure too low to fire the injectors. Unfortunately, this breakdown occurred as the Smith’s were attempting to make it across Siberia before the onslaught of winter.
The problem originally occurred near Almaty Kazakhstan where ******** first started experiencing problems with low turbo boost. The Ford dealer in Almaty took the truck in for repairs and we assisted ******** by putting him in touch with a Ford dealer here in Denver. After our Ford dealer diagnosed the problem, we shipped ******** the parts for the repairs and the shop in Almaty performed the repairs. (In hindsight, we should have just flown in an American mechanic with the repair parts and the knowledge to make the repairs). The Smith’s then proceeded to Mongolia, but unfortunately the dealer in Kazakhstan (like many dealers in the US) had not performed the repairs correctly resulting in more problems. The Smith’s then took their EarthRoamer to Khovd City, Mongolia and returned to Australia to wait out the Siberian winter while the repairs were being made.
Although they had their share of problems, I think this quote by ******** sums it up nicely…
Breaking down in the truck was one of the highlights of the trip, Mr. Smith told reporters.
The Smith’s kept a detailed journal and took many photographs of their trip around the world in EarthRoamer XV-LT #15 and I expect that they will publish a book. It’s a fascinating story!
We work very hard to build the best expedition vehicles in the world, but mechanical things sometimes break. Not knowing the outcome when we depart on an expedition is what makes it an adventure!
Bill Swails
Chief Designer and COO