I've been lurking around for a while and have thought about building my own trailer, I've even started drawing it up in CAD. But I've got a 2 and 4 year old that I want to take camping more and I've decided that it would take me years to complete it. So, I've been eyeing the trailers in the for sale section and trying to sell my Harley to fund a trailer. Then I remembered the Scout trailer and it's got a pretty good price point.
Does anyone have one or had their hands on one? I like that its got the front side doors and pull out drawers vs. the general 416 design with just the rear door/gate. But it looks like the axle is too far back because of this. It seems like it would be hard to get a 60/40 distribution.
Forgive me if there is already a review of one on here, I searched but didn't find any.
Does anyone have one or had their hands on one? I like that its got the front side doors and pull out drawers vs. the general 416 design with just the rear door/gate. But it looks like the axle is too far back because of this. It seems like it would be hard to get a 60/40 distribution.
Forgive me if there is already a review of one on here, I searched but didn't find any.