Snorkel for a 94-01 Dodge?


Howdy gang,

I was wondering if anyone had a lead or made a snorkel for a Dodge Ram, 94-01 body style? Maybe something that could cross over?



I just looked into the ARB Safari Snorkel for the Dodge Ram and found Nadda!

I didn't see any write up for possible interchange parts either.

Let me know if you find anything. I am curious


I got an itch several years ago to do it, but there was nothing on the market at the time. I am hopeing someone mayeb might have come up with a design.

Its a real pain of a vehichle. The hood and fender set up, plus the radio whip make it a real challenge. I got a few ideas do use metal tube, but I would prefer a well formed ABS type. And so the search goes on.......

Bella PSD

I am surprised that there is no snorkel for the Dodge. You would think there would be one by now.



Expedition Leader
I had a 98, the stock connection to the intake always leaked for me:( I wouldn't trust anything that retains the stock airbox. If noone responds, try There are a lot of RAM gurus overthere, good luck:)

edit: You peaked my curiosity, so i found these over there


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Active member
Home Depot sells one!:shakin:


Sorry....couldn't hold back on this one!

Now that would be a sweet mod!!!

Keep us posted if you go that way!


Well, I have spent a few nights in google land and have struck a big zero for anything commercial. I got on a kick pretty hard about 4 years ago when I first bought the truck, but didnt find much so I let it go.

Fast forward 4 years... and I have ONE payment left on my Dodge and it's mine :wings: . Im keepin' it and now I can afford to upgrade everything that has bugged me for years.

I have seen alot of snorkels rigged for Dodges but nothing that has suited my intrest. I openely admit, I have to have it look good. I own a 4x4 shop and it needs to be pro looking. I got some plans and have been brainstorming for the past week.

BIGSKY, went the way I think I am going to go. I built a snorkel like that for my Land Cruiser 10 years ago and it has been great. What is going to be a trick is that the Dodge front end has some of the most unfreindly lines and will make one looking it belongs a real trick. I got some ideas I am goi g to start messing around next week.. I will definatly keep you guys posted!

P.S. That is a wicked bad paint job on that Ranger.

Thank you for all the links too. They have helped alot. :sombrero:


I liked this thread for a snorkle on my '94 Dodge. "DIY snorkle to suit any rig". It was under vehicle mods. Sorry I don't know how to tie a shortcut to it
- Brad


I started on the snorkel. I had some time last night at the shop and finshed the main tube. I still have to figure out what intake I am going to use and work on the (scoop) and work on the part going into the fender. Got the lower mounting figured out and now just to work on the upper. I'll try and get some pics up this week.

Im useing 3" exhaust tubing.


what if you went land rover style? have an airbox under the hood that seals with a tube connecting to the top of the fender or go through the top of the fender at a downwards angle then 90deg the pipe into the engine compartment. like the snorkels on the camel trophy defenders.


I kinda doing something like that. I have built snorkels for a few other projects, just never a Dodge. And with out a doubt, the hardest I have done. There are several issues that make it difficult. One, just the general design of the hood and fender. The hood actually raises up a little as it opens, so a flush mount to the hood is impossible. The fender is way curvy and all kinds of fits following that line. The other option that could have worked was go through the hood or notch the hood, but the Dodge hodo sits on hinges that are preloaded.... like the old Chevy hoods. Bending the hood was a real concern. There were some natural places to come up through the hood but again, those hinges got in the way.

I know I can rig something up but I want this to look good as well as perform well. I plan on haveing this truck for a long time and want to do a nice job, other wise it will bug me.


OK, I got it done... well almost. I got the hard part out of the way which was making the snorkel itself. I used some 3" exhaust tube that was pre-mandrel bent. I ended up making several cuts, 5 in all, to get it all right. The scoop is a from a snorkel hat I was given years ago. I have no idea who it is, just had there so I used it.

The 94-01 Dodge Ram proved to be quite the challenge. The hood and fender lines are very complicated. And to make matters worse, the hood, rises, slides back ever so slightly, before it rocks forward and rises do the way the hinges are made.

I still need to relocate the radio antenna and finish off the inside inner workings by making a new airbox that works with my hi-flow intake. I'll keep ya posted on that. I dont have any close up picks yet, but here is a link to another thread that shows it.

Keep ya posted. :)

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