I've used V-bar chains on my Frontier for hardpack snow and glare ice. here's my 2 cents worth.
Make sure you trial fit the chains in the garage before going out. Cycle the suspension and steering to ensure you have clearance when crossed up. Rotate the tire when it's off the ground to make sure nothing interferes with chains.
If you have clearance, put the chains on the front as well as back tires. Back tires will give you traction, front ones will allow you to steer.
Any loose chain links need to be either cut off or tied off.
You're limited to about 20 MPH, fillings start to get loose at higher speeds.
Do not spin the chains, they'll break.
Use heavy duty rubber bungees to tighten the chains. One per tire usually works.
Bring a piece of carpet to lay on when installing the chains. Makes the whole experience more pleasant.:wings:
Put them on before you need them. Or after you slide backwards down an icy hill 3 times
Been there, not a pleasant experience.
Bring a large screwdriver and pliers. After driving for a while the links tend to freeze to each other and you need tools to break them loose and take the chains off.