So I might have bought this M416


My break lines were shot too. Since it's just a parking break, I think you could use the break cables from a bike or motor cycle application. You can get these custom sizes. I still haven't made up my mind on a new axle as I may get a new rig, so I'm still running without a parking break for now.

I have however seen them NOS ~$80 (New Old Surplus). I'll dig around and see if I have a bookmark for you.


Expedition Leader
Wow some time it has been since I purchased this trailer. I ditched the mil lights for brighter safer LED boat trailer lights with a lit tag holder built in. I recently removed all body bolts to allow body tub separation and fender removal. I moved the lunet to the lower setting to match my 4Runner hitch height better. I dropped the trailer off at the body shop today to have the frame sandblasted and painted black, the tub blasted, scraped, bondo, and rear wall replaced with a new wall capable of acting as a tail gate. The tub will be sprayed Toyota Paint Code K73 to match my 4Runner. I wasn't going to add a tailgate but since have removed the spare tire carrier and all the reflectors in an effort to get it all smoothed out first and body holes sealed. I'll keep you updated better I promise.



Expedition Leader
Decided to do more work on my own and left the poor thing looking rough :). I did order an axle from ABC Trailer Parts 6 on 5.5" @ 59.25” hub face to accommodate LC wheels and 295 tires. I had to spring the axle over to properly fit the tires and rims and wow is it tall! I'll get a few pictures tomorrow.



Expedition Leader
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Expedition Leader
Need to find replacement springs, I thing older jeep springs will fit, lose a couple leaves and tada! It's a 36" center to center hol on the spring eyes if anyone knows off the top o da head.



Lookin good. I got the same axle last week. I ended up doing 60" total. Wish I woulda went an inch shorter but its not too bad. I will be running FJ 17" steelies with BFG 255/75/17 mud terrains.


fwiw... if one is needed

I just received (in the mail) an adjustable pintle mount, from Harbor Freight, that looks to be every bit as stout as the one in that link.

paid $ 24.87 and $ 8.99 shipping ( a little more $ 'cause I ordered a 5Ton pintle incl. )

Not sure if it's still available for that price...
as the HF site is down for maintenance currently.

might be an online only thing... don't remember

bad thing was... it was on back order for 2 months. :(




Expedition Leader
No the trailer itself is not level it sits catywompus. The pintel to lunet is easily fixed, I have a new rear bumper that places the hitch hole about where the camera is now. But the springs on the trailer are not even so I hope to crrect that.


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