So I Want a D2 (Jeep Owner)


The problem with the DI is that I do not find the styling as appealing as the DII for some reason. I always thought the DII looked like a great daily driver and awesome off roader in one, whereas the DI is a rugged truck. I still haven't sold my Cherokee which is the only thing holding me back.

Rovertrader how do you have a 5 speed DII?


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check my website, and you'll see lots of strange but doable things:)


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Jason- Saudi grille, and I have one D-I Saudi spec grille, but would be embarrassed to price what it would take to for me to sell it, sorry
College sophmore? I dont know what your income is during college (you dont have to answer), but I would suggest you research repair costs on this forum and others before taking that plunge. I also don't advocate car payments, especially in college. If you can't pay cash for it, wait until you can. LRs require a lot of attention mechanically, and if you're making a car payment that payment is going to dilute your repair budget. Additionally, those car payments are going to leave a bad taste in your mouth when those repairs catch up with you. You're looking at a 12 and 7 yr old car respectively, if you don't know the repair history you can get bit.

Just some advice, take it or leave it. But i would delay your want until youre out of college and have a good paying job that allows you to pay cash for a Disco. You'll be that much happier.

Excellent advice on page 1. Ask yourself, if you take your current finances + payment, will you easily be able to come up with $1000 at any given moment? Because with a Land Rover, or most European cars/SUVs, you'll probably have to at some point or you will be stranded. Frankly most college students (excluding spoiled rich ones) should be driving Honda Civics. That gives you much more money to waste on beer and chasing tail.:D

Note that I fully expect you to ignore my advice, because I ignored the advice of others years ago when I was in a similar situation. I had several old Porsches during college, which was a pretty significant self-induced financial burden. Even doing all maintenance and repairs myself, the higher than normal amount of work required and the increased parts costs meant that I was spending my precious little time and money in a pretty stupid way. At the very least, sit down and look at the numbers so you don't end up with a non-running Disco in the driveway. Considering that you can get a nice older Disco for $4k pretty easily, I would strongly encourage you to purchase a well maintained older one and save your car payment money for repairs. This will also save you on insurance, you can keep the paid-for car on liability only if you want. Having driven multiple DII then owning a DI, in my opinion you give up very little with the older models and they are much cheaper.

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