So, I'm thinking FJ


I currently own a Jeep Rubicon Unlimited that has been less than satisfactory.
Our other vehicle is an 01 double cab pre runner that has 198 000 km on it and it
has been stone reliable so that has me thinking FJ.

The real question is, what are the quirks that have shown up in the FJ?

I know the premium fuel thing isn't really an issue anymore but what else should I


OverCamping Specialist
FJ Cruisers do not require premium fuel.
Been running regular in mine for years now, and they issued a report stating you do not need to run premium.

Love my FJ, and if I had to replace it for some reason, I would replace it with another one.

Can not thin of any quirks except for the one if you stop fast at a light, it may feel like you got rear ended a few seconds later.
It is the torque converter winding down I believe.
Only happened to me a few times making a fast stop to avoid running a red light.

If you have driven big trucks, the so called blind spots you hear about are non existent.
I do not experience this like others do, I am use to driving with my mirrors since I operate a lot bigger rigs at work which do not have rear windows at all.


I'm going to have to agree with Corey. I have had my Fj for almost 4 years now, and I can honestly say it's been the best vehicle I have ever owned. What blind Spots? lol. I get good gas mileage and have not had any issues. Except the fact that it sucks all your money out of your wallet in modifications. If you're really serious about it, go look at it, take a test drive and see for yourself. You won't be disappointed. I'm certainly not.


Wilderness Photographer
I have an '07 FJ that I got to replace a totaled D90. I really like the FJ and plan on keeping this one for a good long while, and if I do need a replacement someday I wouldn't hesitate to get another.

My only complaint is that I got the Garmin Quest2 GPS option, and then they quit updating the maps for it so I wouldn't do that again.


Expedition Leader
I'm also a happy FJ owner. In fairness though, there are a couple quirks and/or issues you should know about.

People have already mentioned the blind spots. They are there for sure, but most people I know put some type of parabolic stick-on mirror on the side view mirrors, and with that I don't find it to be a problem.

The suicide door configuration may take some getting used to, particularly if you have kids that will be getting in and out of the back seat regularly. We don't have kids, but even so it's sometimes a bit of a PITA in parking lots.

Finally, there are some owners who have had a problem with deformation of the inner fenders in the engine bay. It think it's a small number relative to the total population of vehicles. In a few extreme cases rips and tears have formed. I suspect there may be a bit of driver over exuberence at the root cause, as it does seem to only affect a small percentage of owners. Toyota has tried a couple redesigns of the inner fender sheet metal, but from what I understand there may be still a few instances of this happening even with the latest design. I don't have the problem, and while I'm generally a pretty sane driver I would not say I have babied my FJ. You can find more information about this issue on

Gratuitous pic in action in the Maze:



New member
rolled and drove away

We rolled an FJ avoiding a head on collision (going about 45-50 MPH) in Baja, Landed wheels down and we were able to drive about 700 miles back to the border. Should have seen the looks we got from border patrol - but no secondary inspection. There was obviously broken glass, body and frame damage, but everyone was safe and sound and the truck didn't hesitate a bit on the way back in blazing heat. Pretty amazing vehicle in that respect.


I've driven the FJ.
Blind spots aren't an issue for me. Heck, I could care less if my jeep had windows on the rear quarters.
I've driven my share of grain trucks and always use my mirrors.
My kids could get used to the back doors but I think I'd have to get a DVD for the back because
they wouldn't be able to see much from back there on longer trips.


I have had my FJ since this past February and have nothing but good things to say about it. I came from a tacoma double cab, so the door situation was a concern initially. My 5 yo has no problems at all. It is all around a solid, well thought out rig in my opinion. I to would not hesitate to get another, though I plan on keeping mine for many years. I looked at the unlimited as well and still think its a sharp truck, but the quality is nowhere near the Toyota in my opinion



Wilderness Photographer
We rolled an FJ avoiding a head on collision (going about 45-50 MPH) in Baja, Landed wheels down and we were able to drive about 700 miles back to the border. Should have seen the looks we got from border patrol - but no secondary inspection. There was obviously broken glass, body and frame damage, but everyone was safe and sound and the truck didn't hesitate a bit on the way back in blazing heat. Pretty amazing vehicle in that respect.

Cool story. I rolled a D90 towing a Bushwakka Fargo outside of Kanab a few years back. Same deal, avoiding a head on, except that I rolled 3 or 4 times and while I landed wheels down the Defender wasn't going anywhere and the trailer was in a tree. So now I have an FJ and an AT Chaser and, as mentioned, I'm very happy with the vehicle, just not so much how I came to buy it. ;-)



I currently own a Jeep Rubicon Unlimited that has been less than satisfactory.
Our other vehicle is an 01 double cab pre runner that has 198 000 km on it and it
has been stone reliable so that has me thinking FJ.

The real question is, what are the quirks that have shown up in the FJ?

I know the premium fuel thing isn't really an issue anymore but what else should I

Don't know where you are located in AB. I'm in Cowtown - if you want to hook up (email as per my profile) - I have had my trig for 4 years & 100K Kms - on and off road. Can give you the lowdown, depending what you intend to use the rig for.


I'm another FJ owner. I bought mine in August of '06 and just turned over 143,000 miles. I love it. I haven't had any real problem with the blind spots. I do unfortunately have the fender rips. I traded in a '90 4Runner for it and two things I noticed are that I have more room in the front seat area, and it seems like a little less in the cargo area with or without the rear seats. I love the extra power that the 4.0 has and the auto is really nice and smooth. I love the suicide doors as it makes access to stuff in the back seat easier than having to open the rear door and keep walking around it to get to the back seat. Gas mileage isn't the best, but it's a box. I would buy another one. It's a unique vehicle and being a member of a couple of the forums for it has brought me many new friends that I've gotten together with in Ouray and Moab. I get many looks and many questions about it all of the time. I'm single with no kids or dogs so I can't comment on the use of the back seat for passengers. I pulled mine out and put one of my Engels behind the driver's side seat and use the passenger side for the second Engel if needed, or other luggage or whatever. Works great for what I need. One area that I could say that I don't like is the electronics stuff. The ABS, ATRAC, etc works great and I'm very impressed with them. The problem is when they go out for some reason as the cost for parts is high. I lost a rear wheel sensor and wiring a few months ago and it cost $350 for the parts. I also broke my driver's side back up sensor when I backed into a tree....(good story about that.).....and it would have cost $200 for parts. I'm not used to having all of these sensors on a vehicle that can go bad and then cost so much to fix. On the other hand, the way the work is nice. So.....
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OverCamping Specialist
BIGGUY, I too have the fridge behind the drivers seat without a rear seat at all.

I also noticed the same things you did coming from a '91 4Runner.
More space up front, but less cargo space in the rear.

And power, the 4.0 feels like a rocket ship compared to the 3.slow and auto transmission I had in the 4Runner.

You got yours a month later than I did, and I just turned 36K a few weeks back :D
I have a 30 mile round trip commute for work, so my miles are very low for the close to five years I have had the rig.


everyone covered pretty much everything ,the only thing i dont like is driving in the texes wind ,lol,mabye because im used to a big old truck ?you get pushed around ,but as far as loving the fj yes i do ,i orginally got it as a smaller rig to take my boy and friends to all sports stuff and go to the deer lease hunting now and then ,wow that changed for me ,from rock crawling to basic camping overland stuff the fj will go anywhere ,even out of the box ,no lift etc they rock off road ,atrac is awsome and when the need comes the locking rear dif is pretty dam cool ...good luck brother let us know what you do ...j


Expedition Leader
Builad a Tacoma... Better load capacity, better ingress/egress, better visibility... simply better. For an Expo rig the Tacoma is a VASTLY better rig then an FJC... Aside from being shorter and having less rear overhang the FJC has nothing going for it IMO. You're on the right track looking at a Toyota, you just need to switch to a different model ;)



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