Solar Panels Installed On Roof Rack

I keep my Engle fridge running always and don't always drive enough too keep everything charged. This keeps the batteries charged with enough extra charging power to keep everything cold in the fridge and run other accessories.

Panels bolted on to Inti rack with rubber spacers and metal washers. Washers were threaded to keep bolts retained on panels for installation on roof rack:

Both installed:

Solar charging Controller:


Two 30 watt panels. So 60 watts total.

Both panels wired parallel into the the controller. It's a 3 Stage PWM type controller.

All that remains of the install is to route the power cables properly. They've been installed on the roof for a couple of months and it's great to have the fridge cold and the batteries completely charged even when the truck has not been driven for several days.
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Nice work. I had the thought of trying to put some panels on the hood, as I use the roof rack for my tent and other things, and the hood is just large unused space. Would probably look quite fugly, but functional!


Very cool. That's how I have mine installed on my full size Rover.

Fridge has been running non stop for three years.

Good Job!


Hell yea, very nice job. I just received my 30w panel in the mail today. Ill be installing it onto the stock rack for now. I had the same problem with my edgestar fridge since I dont drive much these days. Hopefully this can hold me over until I drive, I might have to buy a second one as they are so cheap on ebay these days. I picked up my 30w mono crystal for $57 hipped


Looks awesome, and good to hear about the durability.
I have the same idea...but I want to hinge them so that they are "face down" (maybe even folded acordion style, etc.) and things can be loaded atop of them when traveling; but can be "flipped over" to expose to the sun after unloading the rack.
When will I have time to do this? I have no clue. But in my mind's eye, it will sure be a sweet setup when it's


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: Nice job and if it pleases you, thats what counts, but

I use my jeep to do to many things and carry to much on my rack--those solar panels are to fragile and I like to have my 60w pnl--MOBILE, so I can always stay with the direct sun--

I keep my trailer battery charged and ENGEL cool, that way-



:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO


Expedition Leader
Looks awesome, and good to hear about the durability.
I have the same idea...but I want to hinge them so that they are "face down" (maybe even folded acordion style, etc.) and things can be loaded atop of them when traveling; but can be "flipped over" to expose to the sun after unloading the rack.
When will I have time to do this? I have no clue. But in my mind's eye, it will sure be a sweet setup when it's

Been thinking of something similar, but mounting the panel on sliding tray that's mounted between the roof and the roof rack and which let you slide the panel out to either side for use. And shade. And then it doesn't matter what goes in the rack and the rack doesn't have to be emptied to use the panel.

Another idea would be to have a framework on the panel that lets you hand it off the side of your rack and angle it properly to the sun. Keeps it off the ground, avoids the rack contents, again shades the vehicle interior. Wouldn't take much. Just a couple pieces of strap metal bent like candy-canes to hook on the rack rail, and some sort of adjustable length leg as a prop against the vehicle to set the angle. Fancier mounting hardware could use quick-detachment and angle locking. Just have the panel float out there like a Batwing awning.

Place the wiring structure with some sort of all-weather connector port that stays fixed outside the vehicle. Similar port on the panel. Then a connection lead to connect the two. No muss no fuss. No wiring left outside to be tampered with or get snagged, when things aren't in use.


New member
Someone mentioned "some sort of all-weather connector port that stays fixed outside the vehicle". Does anyone have any more specifics? I have a solar panel that I'm mounting to my 1990 4Runner and my remaining obstacle is how to get the wires inside to charge my deep cycle battery that is behind the driver's seat. I was hoping to avoid drilling into the roof. Oh, and I'm a total newbie so any advice would be appreciated! Thank you :)

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