Sold my Eagle, now what? (Bought a Trooper)


The Credible Hulk
Were doing some hydro testing for a proposed mine. The drilling has been done over the past 10 years. It's fun trying to keep everything from freezing when dealing with water in these temps. I'm not sure of the details, but it has something to do with it being easier to get certain permits from the forest service in the winter.
Yeah it is less damaging to drive in wetlands and the forest in general when they are frozen solid.

At least you are in a nice part of the state, love it up there.


Just a word of warning. 1st gen Troopers can become very habit forming.

This! My first car was a hand-me-down '91 trooper with the 2.6/5spd. Didn't value it for what it was at the time, but it still got under my skin. It's gone know, but I dream of getting another. So many wonderful memories of my family traveling in that thing :)


Probably because you dont crush everything under the heavy vehicles. being in the military i know about tearing up a forest after bombing around a few heavy vehicles here and there :bike_rider:

Yeah it is less damaging to drive in wetlands and the forest in general when they are frozen solid.

At least you are in a nice part of the state, love it up there.
Waiting for the ground to freeze is our guess, also.

Nice Trooper. Come on over to the planet and join us. Check out my build threads there. Not much on a 1st gen that I haven't covered in these. I haven't read this whole thread just grazed it. But usually the 2.6 doesn't need short block work just a new head and/or gasket. The auto in the 1st gens is pretty bombproof (unlike the GM POS in the 2nd gens) though it does suck down some of the massive power of the 4ZE1!

Just a word of warning. 1st gen Troopers can become very habit forming.

I'm over at the planet under username RickP. Great forum.


I made some more progress. Everything is now functional on the Trooper and I bought some new tires for it. 265/75r15 Cooper Discoverer AT3's. I've put a few hundred miles on it and it runs great. Can't wait to get it off road.



I made a last minute decision on Tuesday and loaded up the Trooper and left for Moab Wednesday morning. Except for a fuel pump issue that showed up halfway through Kansas, it ran great. I can't let it get past a half tank, otherwise it feels like it's running out of fuel. Pickup probably has a hole or fell off.



Last minute decision are some of the best. It was great meeting you and wheeling with you, these 1st Gen Troopers are really an over looked gem for 4X4 adventures. Yours in basically stock form did Flat Iron Mesa with an ease that many just wish they could do. Hope to see you again some where. Dave


Last minute decision are some of the best. It was great meeting you and wheeling with you, these 1st Gen Troopers are really an over looked gem for 4X4 adventures. Yours in basically stock form did Flat Iron Mesa with an ease that many just wish they could do. Hope to see you again some where. Dave

Nice meeting you too, Dave. I was really impressed with the Trooper's capabilities. I swapped out the fuel pump with the from the donor and it seemed to fix the issue. I've got a video of you Dave.


Thanks for posting the video, just to clarify what is happening at this ledge, I'm doing it in 2 wheel drive because I was still waiting on a front axle for the right side but I am locked in the rear. Dave


Trooper looks great! Hopefully will provide you with lots of good times.

When I was in the middle of getting it back to running, I was getting really discouraged. I went for Chinese food one night and got a message in my fortune cookie that helped me persevere.

Here are some more pics from Moab.


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