Some Fuso shots from the 2017 Abenteuer Allrad show, Bad Kissingen, Germany


Expedition Leader
Am I reading that right, that a complete living unit and chassis, already installed are about 150k euros? That seems really cheap for what appears to be a high quality camper.

My German is rudimentary so I cannot say definitively.

An email or phone call to the company would be the best way to confirm it.


Expedition Leader
I am iterating with Woelcke via email using Google Translate: English to German to English.

They do not have anyone there fluent enough in English to communicate directly in English.



Regarding the Autark Explorer E3 for the Fuso Canter 4x4.

For the E3

If I provide the Fuso Canter 4x4 chassis, is the total price €99.400?



The price is right


I am awaiting a response on if they can install their camper box on a customer-supplied, U.S. spec Fuso Canter/FG.


Expedition Leader
I'll be interested in that response!

The response is:

Proposed Scenario:
1) Customer signs contract agreement that customer is responsible for all U.S. compliance
2) Customer provides U.S. Specification Fuso Canter 4x4 to your factory
3) Autark Explorer E3 is installed on the customer-provided U.S. Specification Fuso Canter 4x4 in your factory
4) Customer ships assembled expedition vehicle to the U.S.
5) The customer uses the expedition vehicle in the U.S.



Yes, this scenario is possible.

This requires that the customer is responsible for all costs of the shipping the chassis to and from our factory and is responsible for all required U.S. certifications, inspections, etc.


This would be a great scenario if you were planning to cover Eurasia as you could ship the chassis to them, test it out in central Europe to shake out any bugs and then head out further afield.

Just a reminder that they have zero English language skills so you would either need to know the language or hire an interpreter.

I did this all via Google translate and it took several iterations for them to understand that the customer provides the U.S. specification chassis.

I do not think it would be viable to do the transaction via Google translate. IMO, you need somebody on the team with the ability to communicate in both languages.



Crazy Person
Just a reminder that they have zero English language skills so you would either need to know the language or hire an interpreter.

I am actually very surprised by this, as English is a compulsory language in most European schools, and has been for many years.
I spent some time in Germany thirty odd years ago, as I have relatives there, and all they wanted to do was practice their English with me. That was fine with me, as my German sucks!

you need somebody on the team with the ability to communicate in both languages.

I would add that a "normal" translator is not what you would need in this scenario. You would require a person capable of understanding and translating to "technical German", as this can be significantly different.


Approved Vendor : Total Composites
Most Germans speak english, but not confident enough in doing business deals in english. I'm also guessing that they are doing well enough that they don't see the need to put extra effort into sales to North America. German companies are afraid of lawsuits, especially within the USA....


It is a different world in Europe. Petra moved here when she was 6 and she spoke German, French, and Spanish. She learned English here, Her cousins were over here from what was East Germany then. Lot's of translation going on until we set them in the drivers seats of the Jeeps. It was like an episode after from Rat Patrol. Ear to ear grins.


Expedition Leader
I am actually very surprised by this, as English is a compulsory language in most European schools, and has been for many years.

The actual quote from the response to my initial email is:

gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen, aber leider gibt es niemanden in unserem Unternehmen, der gut Englisch spricht.

Google Translate:
We will gladly answer your questions, but unfortunately there is no one in our company who speaks good English.

I spent some time in Germany thirty odd years ago, as I have relatives there, and all they wanted to do was practice their English with me. That was fine with me, as my German sucks!

Mine too, up to now.

I would add that a "normal" translator is not what you would need in this scenario. You would require a person capable of understanding and translating to "technical German", as this can be significantly different.



Expedition Leader
I received an additional email from Frank Woelcke:


Kunde kann eine Spezifikation von der Wohnkabine konfigurieren und uns zusenden.

Auch Informationen über das amerikanische Basisfahrzeug .

Google Translate:

Customer can configure a specification of the cabin and send it to us.

Also information about the American base vehicle.


Their contact info is:

Woelcke GmbH & Co. KG
Frankenstrasse 2
71296 Heimsheim

Tel: 0049 (0) 7033 39 09 94
Fax: 0049 (0) 7033 39 09 82

HRA Mannheim 701 635
Komplementär: Woelcke GmbH, Geschäftsführer: Frank Woelcke
HRB Mannheim 704 183
USt.-ID-Nr: DE261031137


Please note:

I have no connection to this company and have never done business with them.

This information is not an endorsement and is only provided as a courtesy to the forum.


Puiumeu lives in Germany and writes English well.

I believe that SG1 is also from Germany or speaks German.

With the resources of this forum, getting a few questions answered in German should be quite an easy task.

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