Southern AZ Tread Trainer Certification Dec 29-30


Expedition Poseur
Poor, poor, Hunter Dan! I'd say that he really shouldn't have been drinking before he got on his quad to go hunting, but we all know that Bud light simply isn't beer.....


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
Hunter Dan is awesome, thanks Kermit and Daktaried!

We're going to use him in a sort of voodoo-shrine down by the fence where ATVs trespass.

Group photos uploading now.


DesertRose said:
Hunter Dan is awesome, thanks Kermit and Daktaried!


Your, welcome! I wish I was there to see the look on Johnathan's face.:shakin:

Sorry I couldn't make it, I had to work.

Hunter Dan: Made in China of course!


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
2007 Expedition Portal Southern Arizona Tread Trainers
Trainer: Scott Brady, Expeditions West


Cruiser Showdown on the trail


Stephens Mt. Climb



Jonathan Hanson

Well-known member
I love my Hunter Dan, Ed and Kermit! Thank you both.

However, I suspect he has a date with destiny sometime in the not-too-distant future. A date, perhaps, with a binary explosive. Old H.D. just gives off the vibes of someone who is going to make me angry soon. He won't like me when I'm angry - and as a pseudo-knock-off G.I. Joe-type action figure he has no legal status whatsoever that would prevent me from visiting the harshest punishment possible upon him.

Photos will be posted if Dan steps over the line.

Scenic WonderRunner

Very Nice...........!


I wish I could have made it............but if you had a would understand!

Fun Pic!


Great stuff! ...........God Bless You All........!!!!

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
What a riot! I almost spit all over my laptop!:xxrotflma

I missed it because Madbaggins talked me into driving through the Charouleau Gap. My poor little 4Runner had to follow a herd of 80 series Elephants.:shakin: I had forgotten how challenging that trail is.

My 4Runner would have been much happier attending a Tread Lightly class. :oops:

Now I have to remove all my skid sheet metal and pound them back into shape.
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All that made this happen, thank you very much, great course, great info! It was a pleasure to attend and well worth the effort.

Additionally, like all things ‘Expo’ the people were great, the conversations informative and just an all around outstanding time. I was also so glad to have a chance to see Hunter Dan before his dangerous ways may lead to his demise. To think that after that long arduous journey (expedition?) from China, fate has brought him onto private property. Perhaps he will be saved by a last chance hunter safety course and common sense realization, and if not, I certainly hope that someone is on hand to capture the dramatic demise and post pics.


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
I had a great time and met some great people. Thank you Jonathan and Roseann for being such gracious hosts. Another big one to Scott for teaching and spending his time to do this. Every other person, thank you.
I learned another plethora of information from all of the attendees at the trip and I can tell that it would a lot fun to get this goup to a bar or another campfire.
Ed, I expect you to teach me how to catch flies.
Thanks and see you all soon!! Here are a couple and there are now a couple more on for Lance to look over at 3am sometime. :oops:



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2005, 2006 Tech Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
For those reading this who don't understand the Hunter Dan gift, see: &*!#@* Hunters!
Then depending how far you read, jump to page 14 to see where Hunter Dan steps in....
See? We're not all that crazy!



What a fun weekend! Thanks so much to Jonathon and Roseann for sharing their space with us. You have the most beautiful backyard. And thanks a bunch to Scott for his time and effort. We know you are a busy guy.

Thanks also to Ed for always being so willing to "bring up the rear", even knowing that Hunter Dan was out there! Thanks to Lance and Jeremy for continuously picking up Hunter Dan's discarded Bud Light cans. That guy really has a drinking problem.

Overall it was a blast! We're so glad we were able to attend this event! And now, we're certified!!:jumping:


El Gringo Spectacular!
I'm really bummed I missed it....litigation stuff crept in at the last minute...then I darn near froze trying to get out of Flagstaff (After the Ipod and GPS warmed back up...they actually work again...:oops: ) I guess single digit temps is too cold to ride...

I apologise for skipping out at the last minute...:(



We wanted to add.......What a most wonderful weekend !!! Superb educational opportunity. AND meeting a bunch of great people, in a beautiful outdoor landscape. It just doesn't get much better !!! Thanks to everyone helping to make it happen. So when is part 2 of the class :) (we'll be there)


dieselcruiserhead said:
That is great. As of today I am attending the SLC course on the 23rd of January. Should be a blast and I hope to learn a lot.

I signed up for this as well. Anyone else on here going?


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
Skylinerider said:
I signed up for this as well. Anyone else on here going?

Have a great time guys - but be forewarned, if the Trainer uses the very canned curriculum direct from TL, you might be a little, um, amused. They use this very fourth-grade-ish role-playing to try to teach you things. Just have fun with it and keep an open mind, and take what you learn and adapt it to a teaching format that works well for you.

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