For the sake of providing more information, here is another thread on quality issues:
Every manufacture has issues. Its how the manufacture resolves the issue with the owner (if it is indeed an quality issue and not an abuse issue).
We have an XP on order, soon ready for delivery (we think), so I follow this stuff with some special interest. Unfortunately I have no idea what was deleted from this thread, or who posted what, but several weeks ago I contacted one of the posters in the Wanderthewest thread linked above. I believe the person's complaints were legit on their most basic level (at least as stated from their perspective), but after a brief exchange of emails I came away feeling like the big problem is probably embedded in the idea that you can operate and maintain any expedition camper completely "turn key". Over the long run you're going to need to know something about the equipment you own. Previously we've owned an FWC Eagle and an Outfitter Caribou. Other than a trip back to Outfitter when the camper was a few days old, we handled repairs, maintenance and upgrades ourselves. I can't really imagine trying to get back to the manufacturer on the occasions we've had equipment issues.
Structural problems would be different, but even then you have to know enough to understand if it was an inherent problem, or perhaps caused by negligence (like hitting something, improper support when off the truck, etc.) In any case, I feel bad for anyone who spends a sh&t ton of money trying to realize their dream and fails, but you have to go into these things with a keen sense of your own capabilities. I could easily be wrong, but I felt this person just wasn't up to owning a camper like the XP. FWC shell might be a better fit.