Appalachian Ridgerunner
I was just curious to see if the time honored practice of going spotlighting is just a regional thing around here or if it is a country wide phenomon. When the farmers start picking their cornfields and the nights get colder, it always been a tradition to load up the family and hit the back roads with some snacks and the spotlight and go find some deer. Course if your a young buck, it's a good excuse to grab your girlfriend and cruise the backways of the country side. Back when I was young deer herds would push the half century mark and now seeing a dozen deer together is considered a big herd. Of course our new deer management practices here in PA have thinned the deer population but we are seeing nicer and bigger bucks than ever before. So tommorow night we'll hit the dirt roads and see if we can spot some good bucks, goodtimes in NW PA.