Spotted Earth Roamers in Bozeman



What are the black squares on the Fords door frames halfway up the windows. Are they locks?
Locks...the Ford design for the doors is too easy to break into. Stick a screwdriver under the plastic handle, yank it, and you are in.


Maybe I am a rare breed but no matter how down I am or tired, when people start asking about my passion, it perks me right up. I have answered the same questions over and over and over again, I have never minded.


The landcruiser motorhome is a 1969 FJ40. I aquired it from a dear friend of mine who is getting up there in years. He use to guide bike tours in Death Valley for years. It has a chevy V8 bolted to a stock 3 speed trans. It originally came from Alaska. The story goes it was built by two brothers that were working on the Alaska pipeline in the early 1970's.They needed a rig that would slog through the mud and snow that they could also live in. It has a dinette that converts to a bed, an ice box, a two burner and a bed over the cab. I have not checked fuel milage yet. It is probably the first land cruiser camper conversion


I think the ER's are awesome. Just ask the guy that paid over 500k for his RV that cannot go where an ER can go and you will realize the cost benefit ratio. Happy trails to everyone. No matter what the journey or means of travel, the desire to be outside is everyone's goal. At least here it is.


I just saw an ER without any markings and semi unfinished - no gel coat on the fiberglass. It was at the top of Broadway in Boulder heading towards Golden.

I assume its a factory build thats just being driven locally.


sgt rock

15 minutes of fame

back in 2000 i bought a pinzgauer. i had a two week drill at camp pendleton and drove from phoenix...must of took me 24 hours to get there (or so it seemed) with people wanting to know what it part was mid week heading down pch to san diego and every so often would have people at bus stops jump in the back- never got tired of trying to explain. NOW my wife on the other hand would drive it every so often and would wonder why people would ask her questions on "some green" truck!

no longer with the pinz...but can say that with with one heck of a jeep and an a at adventure trailer can say that i have yet to make camp with out a few asking (mostly about the trailer) about the set up.

no compalints - becouse i sure met a lot of good people out there!

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