Spotted Earth Roamers in Bozeman


What are the black squares on the Fords door frames halfway up the windows. Are they locks? Anyone have a closeup picture?


Very true. I get tired of being asked "what kind of mileage do you get". I'm always nice, and answer any questions they may have. If I didn't want to hear what people had to say, I'd drive a Camry.

I do have an issue with "how much did that cost?", which I hear often and is not something I'm keen to share with a perfect stranger. I just refer them to the sportsmobile website. I've got nothing but time for curiousity about mileage, design, interior and mechanical stuff and enjoy answering those questions.


I personaly love to tell people I only paid $250.00 for my 1989 Chevy 3/4 ton 4X4. I mostly use it for Wilderness Search & Rescue and extended weekends of ice & rock climbing in PA, WV and NY. I find it is a lot safer to blend in with the locals.


What are the black squares on the Fords door frames halfway up the windows. Are they locks? Anyone have a closeup picture?

I believe its a system for locking your doors closed. I think you can put a big bolt or cable lock through them and then the doors won't open.

It does seems a bit overkill since if someone really wants in, there is always the glass window.


I am going to play "devils advocate" here for a moment.
Katherine and I get to talk to lots of people every time we take the Unimog out and have to politely answer questions at border crossings, ferry boardings, gas stations, campgrounds and wilderness trails.
I remember before I purchased the Unimog I would talk to owners and sometimes they seemed bored or curt when I tried to talk to them. Now that I own one I know why.
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I am going to play "devils advocate" here for a moment.
Katherine and I get to talk to lots of people every time we take the Unimog out and have to politely answer questions at border crossings, ferry boardings, gas stations, campgrounds and wilderness trails.
I remember before I purchased the Unimog I would talk to owners and sometimes they seemed bored or curt when I tried to talk to them. Now that I own one I know why.
Cut the guy some slack. Oh and by the way, owning an expo vehicle is something that I earned and worked very hard for.I made decisions to give up things and did without so I could buy my toy.If I don't want to be nice (and I usually am) that is really your problem, not mine!:coffee:

This really has turned into quite the debate, which I wasn't aiming for. I am not mad at the guy for being rude. Heck the world is full of rude people. It was just something I was mentioning.

I must say that I am impressed with how gracious a majority of the people on this site are. I think we have all been in the shoes before where we are getting bugged about the Vehicle we choose to drive and modify and we all respond differently based on the circumstance.

I drive a Tacoma because I love it and I think its the best vehicle I can afford right now. So when some stranger has questions for me as they occasionally do I am always polite and respectful, not just because I like my rig and I think they should too, but more importantly that is how I want to be treated.

To say that you not wanting to be nice is my fault and not yours seems very selfish and wrong to me. How am I supposed to know what mood you are in, being in a bad mood is a state of mind (something you can change) so if you are a jerk to someone its no one's fault but yours, even if they were a jerk first. Sorry for the rant but its just my 2 cents.


To say that you not wanting to be nice is my fault and not yours seems very selfish and wrong to me. How am I supposed to know what mood you are in, being in a bad mood is a state of mind (something you can change) so if you are a jerk to someone its no one's fault but yours, even if they were a jerk first. Sorry for the rant but its just my 2 cents.

oops, I didn't mean to come off sounding that hard and I certainly didn't intend to level the comment at you specifically.

Scott Brady

The Jeep is actually an OPTION package for the big one.

Wine rack - check
Espresso maker - check
41 Continentals - check
XV-JP - check ;)


The Peanut Gallery

I hope that we never get so bored / jaded with the EcoRoamer that I'm not excited to talk to people about it.

So far I'm like a giddy / proud parent. I've waited years to build my rig and I'm delighted to talk to the DOZENS of random strangers who walk up to us at EVERY gas station, etc.

The only time I get annoyed is when people start climbing up on the running boards to try to look in or have their picture taken. But, with our high / tinted windows they're usually pretty surprised/apologetic when I say loudly: "Excuse me, could you get off my truck please!"

(My wife may have been slightly less polite when she was nursing our baby during rest stops.)
Perhaps, I'm a little bit more used to it. Having lived in Asia for 14yrs we're sort of used to constantly drawing a crowd.



Red Zebra

I believe its a system for locking your doors closed. I think you can put a big bolt or cable lock through them and then the doors won't open.

It does seems a bit overkill since if someone really wants in, there is always the glass window.

True. True. But usually the perp is breaking the window to open the door for easier access...or to snatch and grab a particular item. It would be a total beeyatch to break a window and climb through. (Then again, I'm trying to imagine my 6'4" ******** wiggling through a window will little broken bits everywhere.---I'll pass! :Wow1:)
Also, a breaking window attracts attention. Especially if the perp is driving down the road after stealing a vehicle and the little pices of glass are still falling out of the frame.

And to kick the the dead horse a little more:
In a former job of mine, my company car was a painted 5.0 mustang (Highway Patrol :smiley_drive:--yeah, it's been a few years). YOu constantly get bombarded with questions...and even if you're having a bad day all you have to do is politely say something like "Sir, I am extremley tired and behind schedule. I'd love to answer question but I really need to run". Does not matter what the guy is like any other time---At THAT time he made a poor impression.

ER are a really cool expo would be nice to run one!


I know how it feels. So many questions cuts into my drinking time


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