Hi, I'm new to this site. Let me tell you a little about myself. Married w/ two kids (7 and 18) and a couple of dogs. Right now we don't really do expedition travel, more sit and stay camping, or full backpacking. The expedition travel is what I would like to try, either in my '02 Chevy Silverado CC/SB diesel, or my '12 FJC. With this in mind, I plan on doing it tent style. Right now I own the famed Spingbar Vagabond 7 and love it. It's only downside is that set up and take down time are a little longer than I would like for this type of on the go style travel. With this in mind I've been researching new tents and the Oz tent seems to fit the bill just right. From what I've seen on Youtube, it looks killer. The only negative that I've seen about it, is a thread on here, about the joints breaking. As far as set up goes, is it a breeze, like it's touted? Would it be a big enough difference to justify switching from the awesome Springbar, with a 15 min. set-up time, to the 30 second tent? Thanks for the help.