A niche market is a great way to get your feet wet while possibly still working at least a part time job. It will help you develop even better skills and if you are good the work will increase in volume and pay. I started as a favor for a friend who knew I liked to play with cameras. He asked me to shoot a party(the first event) held at his newly opened bar. Another bar owner asked him who shot the event(he had seen the photos on the bars website) and it rolled from there.The only good piece of advice that I can offer is that if you're looking to actually make money from this, and you are not yet established, try to carve out a niche market for yourself.
I still work a day job but have doubled my income(and compensate for when my regular job slows). Now I get into clubs for free, meet hot woman and get payed to take their pictures. It's not all fun and games though, there's a lot of time spent correcting/cropping/editing and generally just weeding through pictures.