Stick on solar panels for camper shells?


Expedition Leader
With regular panels they want an air gap to dissipate heat underneath the panel. How do these panels get away from needing that?


Actually I talked to a guy here who is developing a solar mat that has glycol tubes running through it. The idea is that the panel is cooled slightly by the glycol and the heat is transferred to the hot water tank. So more efficient solar electricity and solar hot water in one mat. He’s hoping to have one available for the RV market in the not too distant future.

Nice to see this coming. Was told many times that using a coolant to improve solar efficiency at the same time a capturing that waste heat for water heating etc was impractical. Especially on an RV.


New member
How have the stick on UniSolar panels performed on fiberglass roofs?

Has anyone attempted to remove the panels? I understand UniSolar panels are designed for permanent steel channel roof installations, but there was a batch removed from a large installation with a heat gun on eBay that sold close to the new price. It would be interesting to know how removing these panels from a fiberglass roof affected the fiberglass.

Any performance reports would be welcome also.

Thanks, Roger


New member
I just put two of these panels on my TC. I have read all tutorials and watch all youtube videos. From my information, once you put it down, it is there for good. It was the only drawback if you sell your rig, the panels go with. I personally wouldn't buy any of these panels that were taken off unless it was a great price ($50/68w). If they still will have to attach with a new 3M adhesive (not cheap). Buy new, get the warranty. It is a 15 year warranty.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
From my information, once you put it down, it is there for good. It was the only drawback if you sell your rig, the panels go with. I personally wouldn't buy any of these panels that were taken off unless it was a great price ($50/68w). If they still will have to attach with a new 3M adhesive (not cheap). Buy new, get the warranty.

Once they are down, they don't come off........if you try to peel them up the cell gets creased and ruined. I wouldn't risk it with a heat gun...could be wrong.

With regular panels they want an air gap to dissipate heat underneath the panel. How do these panels get away from needing that?

They are amorphous cells with different characteristics to poly or multi-crystalline cells. Therefore they are virtually uneffected by heat (this is called cell temp de-rating) .....the so called "more efficient panels" suck as far as cell temp de-rating ............ and low sun angle and partial shading and mounting flat on a roof instead of at the correct sun angle and hail damage and .......


Crazy Person
Apparently Uni-Solar has gone bankrupt.
Sad, but true.

At the time of writing this some UniSolar panels were still available online, but you obviously do not get any warranty, given the company has gone belly up.
For me that was a risk worth taking, given that these are a very well made panel.


The 68 watt uni-solar are available again. If you're willing to deal without a junction box (solder leads on yourself) they're selling for under $100 on ebay. There's also at least one compant selling them with junction panels for $99. Hit me up if you need the link.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
We're trying something new.......will see how they go before we pass any judgement or post any further info but thought you might like to see a pic (below). About 3 mm thick and need to be glued on. Could be the future in stick-on if Uni-Solar stay out of production.

You can just make out the junction box and the series cables at the far end.

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Hi John, is that an amorphous panel? Looks like that one is a more managable size than the shortest unisolar one, I did read somewhere in a business magazine about unisolar coming back from bankruptcy, have you heard of anything?

Oh, and merry xmass and happy new year to all!


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Hi Yves

No ...not amorphous. I think by the power output (120w) for it's size , I'd say it's while cell-temp de-rating is high, it looks like they've made a good attempt at cooling the panel with the reflective white portions....that was the theory Siemens used on all their monos we'll just throw more on the roof any way to compensate for loss from low sun angle, temp, etc

I don't know too much more about them yet.... The box only just arrived.

Nah....haven't heard anything about Uni-Solar. Our supplier only has about 1000 of them left (sometimes he gets orders for 300 at a time so that won't last long) and from a business point of view, we can't really continue to fit a product that we know is discontinued. I'll double check with him in the New Year to see if that situation has changed.
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The 68 watt uni-solar are available again. If you're willing to deal without a junction box (solder leads on yourself) they're selling for under $100 on ebay. There's also at least one compant selling them with junction panels for $99. Hit me up if you need the link.

That's a pretty good price for the one with the junction panels. eBay has those right now;

Still a decent price to get started... But if susswein has a link for $99 I'm curious about it and would close my eyes on the non-warranty issue.

Yves, I'd doubt you'd be concerned with the size of these panels. From what I've seen you have tons of room up there! And Happy New Year to all!

Mr. D


We're trying something new.......will see how they go before we pass any judgement or post any further info but thought you might like to see a pic (below). About 3 mm thick and need to be glued on. Could be the future in stick-on if Uni-Solar stay out of production.

You can just make out the junction box and the series cables at the far end.

Click image for larger version. Name: image.jpg Views: 23 Size: 417.6 KB ID: 137287

any update on the performance of this panel? who makes it and where did you get it?


Is it possible or logical to buy a small solar panel for the top of my truck's cap, in order to charge/re-charge my Maglite?

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