Stock ride trail recommendations in CO


Tour Guide
We ran many of the San Juan trails including Engineer and Imogene in a stock '05 Tundra a stock Ford Excursion and a stock '12 Grand Cherokee. We did not have any trouble at all.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
I thought this section was rougher than it was rated.
Oh, and I was strongly cautioned against the very first part of Engineer's Pass on the ouray side. Apparently the weather has taken it's toll on the area and the ledges are steep and claiming lots of tires and such. You may wanna skip this portion. There's still plenty of beautiful places to explore.


I have done several trails in my stock 06 Taco. Redcone, you will scrape and tap a few times, Webster, Tin Cup and just about all the ones leading to and from Tin Cup. Take a look at That site has some great rating and maps for CO.


Lost and Found at the same time.
Bright trail has some nice views and its no very hard. Its located in Allenspark past Lyons.


a little late to the thread but, ive done the majority of wheelers lake trail in a stock tacoma.
there are trails off Boreas Pass rd that will take you down into the valley, up over the next ridge lines and dump you in blue river just south of breckenridge.

you can also get to the old crystal mill in crystal, near marble, co.
you can continue on the trail from crystal to crested butte to on schofield pass. although, if you are any wider than 80" its going to get a bit scary as your wheels will hang off a cliff by a waterfall and decent drop haha

those trails can get rather rocky, and requires choosing the right lines but completely do able in a stock truck.


under armor

pal stock is not bad but if you put money into rig sliders and under armor as in ricochet ..etc will save you money ...and worry
The trails start to close late September to October, depending on when the snow starts at the higher elevations. There are several web sites that will tell you what the latest trail conditions are.


Wiffleball Batter
When are high alpine trails typically closed?

The trails start to close late September to October, depending on when the snow starts at the higher elevations. There are several web sites that will tell you what the latest trail conditions are.
Most of the higher trails won't be open until mid-June at the earliest. Also even the trails that are "open" may have impassable water crossings during the spring runoff (which lasts through at least mid-June or even late June in some areas.)
Here's the best resource I know of for trail conditions. It is updated by users so it has pretty current information:


Lost and Found at the same time.
Illinois and Missouri gulch can be done stock in the summer and I made it just in 8" of powder it was difficult but in an aggressive stock 4x4 but would be much easier with a rear locker. But in the winter steer clear of moab Hill in a normal stock truck suv or 4x4.

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