Stolen Adventure Trailer!!

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Martyn said:
I have created a page on our website will most of the information we have available on the tow vehicle, trailer, Jeremy Deckling, and Carrie Deckling.

I will update the page as more information becomes available.

If we see it and connect the sheriff's dept to your web link, they will want to see the police report number, and police dept. contact info. This should speed up their ability to take action.



I have been watching this thread and I'm sorry to see something like this happen. I'm not an attorney, but I would be concerned about putting someone's personal information like license #'s on your website. A lot of information can be pulled from just a license number, state issues and birthdate. Just a word of caution.

I hope you get your trailer back.



SpeedAgent said:
I have been watching this thread and I'm sorry to see something like this happen. I'm not an attorney, but I would be concerned about putting someone's personal information like license #'s on your website. A lot of information can be pulled from just a license number, state issues and birthdate. Just a word of caution.

I hope you get your trailer back.


That is the trouble with this country! Let's protect the rights of the guy who has not returned the trailer as he agreed in writing in a legally binding rental contract, has made no attempt to contact the rightful owners and is already a suspect in other crimes. Yeah, let us be concerned about the thief as he is the victim of Adventure Trailer's crass attempt to recover their property.



SpeedAgent said:
I have been watching this thread and I'm sorry to see something like this happen. I'm not an attorney, but I would be concerned about putting someone's personal information like license #'s on your website. A lot of information can be pulled from just a license number, state issues and birthdate. Just a word of caution.

I hope you get your trailer back.


A license plate number is NOT personal information. It is of public record and is not kept with any expectation of remaining personal or private. Now if this guy's parent's address and phone numbers were being posted and 1000's of people started calling them asking, "Where is that #&!@* with the rented Adventure Trailer!" then I would say that you would have a problem. That is not happening here. M&M are working with the authorities and asking for our help in recovering and returning property that rightly belongs to them.

I had a set of 4wd hubs stolen off of my rig and I tell you that it's not fun having someone else take my personal property. My right to ownership was violated by some puke as well as my right to decide how I spend and invest the $125 that it took to replace the hubs. Goodness, I think some people need to re-examine their priorities. DO NOT PROTECT THE CRIMINALS! HE BROKE A CONTRACT!

Rant off.

Photog said:
If we see it and connect the sheriff's dept to your web link, they will want to see the police report number, and police dept. contact info. This should speed up their ability to take action.

Funny, I was just thinking this in the shower. If and when someone comes across this family it would be difficult to prove that it is stolen, let alone get an officer out to stop them. Even more so in another state. It would also be very difficult to get an officer to check out a web link too.

I was thinking how do you tell the dispatcher your following a stolen trailer.

"What is your emergency"

"Hello, I am following a trailer that has been report stolen."

"Is the trailer yours"


"How do you know it's stolen?"

"A web forum told me it was"

Do you see the problem? Everyone who is looking really needs the police report info.

Just my thoughts on how to make this easier.
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GeoTracker90 said:

Rant off.


You are right and we do protect criminals way too much. THEY are the people who commited the crime. I myself have had to say "I'm Sorry" to a criminal who attacked us one time, because the officer did not want to take the guy into custody.

BUT, in this case we have to think of the children. We do not want vigilantie justice, which is what could happen if we say things like this, when there will be little children in the jeep. I know ExPo members would handle this the proper way, but what about some of the people on say a forum like TTORA.

Please be carefull everyone. We don't want to see any ExPo members on the news due to this. Unless its for a good reason of course!

I just want everyone to choose there words wisely in this case since others are involved. We don't want the nut jobs reading into it the wrong way.
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"Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?!"




Easy guys, if you re-read what I said it was to protect the trailer business owner, not the guy that hasn't returned it.

The renters actual license information is posted on the website, not only his tag #. You can find out a lot of information, private information, with someone's license and other info.

I am not advocating anything this guy has done, I'm making an observation and a suggestion based on my own personal experience with these types of situations.

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Expedition Poseur
Please keep this thread on topic. It is not the appropriate place to discuss legal issues (please use the fireside chat area if you want to discuss off topic issues). It makes it hard for people to find relevent information if they have to wade through to many off topic posts.



I agree, we don’t want any vigilante justice. Our help in recovery and return of the property to Adventure Trailers should be limited to looking for and identification of the stolen property and notifying the appropriate authorities. No physical action should be taken against this guy or anyone in his traveling party. Yes the safety of the children is a concern, but that does not preclude the use of legally obtained and freely given information in the search and recovery effort. If I give out my driver’s license number freely to another individual I have no reasonable expectation that it will remain private and not public especially if I break a contract and steal. I’m not sure what the break off point is, but I would suspect that the theft of this trailer would be considered Grand Theft. Just to be clear I am speculating about the Grand Theft and I do not condone any vigilante justice.


Streakerfreak said:
................I know ExPo members would handle this the proper way, but what about some of the people on say a forum like TTORA. .....

We all know what the TTORA would do.... (get ready for it) they would post trash about the guy for driving a Jeep! :coffeedrink:


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
OK, the matter has been resolved.

I have removed the driver's license numbers from the web page. I appreciate all of your feedback. It all boils down to our moral code as a business. We do what's right, sometimes it's more than what's required, or guaranteed, or warranted.

I can see the argument from all the perspectives, yes Jeremy Deckling is suspected of stealing our trailer and he must face up to the consequences of his actions. But at the same time we must not lower our standards to ensure that he gets caught.

At this point I believe everything I have posted is public it you were to dig deep enough.
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Martyn and Mario,

I have the greatest respect for you guys, your great business and product, and the postings you make on this forum. I really hope you get your trailer back. I think it's GREAT that ExPo members can help out. I too have been keeping my eyes open for it.

However, IMO, this thread has crossed into some questionable territory for both AT and ExPo. First of all, and correct me if I'm wrong, according to the CA Penal Code the trailer can still not be legally and technically classified as stolen. It's missing and there's been breach of contract...but yet many ExPo folk have posted on other forums that the trailer has been "stolen" and no doubt used the name of the "thief." It should be obvious to all why this gets into some questionable territory, and possibly legally culpable. There could be many reasons why the trailer has not been returned. If he returned the trailer tomorrow, I believe he would not be charged with least still at this point. (correct me if you definitely know otherwise)

Just some thoughts so this type of thing doesn't get carried away as well as keeping in mind our fundamental principle of jurisprudence, i.e. innocent until proven guilty....because the next time it could be any one of us accused of something we did or did not do.
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