Just another thought....
If the alligations are true and he is being/has been charged with a felony he might have skipped out on his bail. It might be worth finding out where he was being charged and find who the bail agent is, you two might be able to work together. Bail agents send out people (Dog) to skip trace and re-arrest bail jumpers. You might have some very valuable information which would make a bail agent very happy, so happy that if they found and arrested him, they could call you with a location of the trailer. Otherwise they typically really do not care about the equipment with the person or just give it to family members (gives to wife, wife sells black market for ffod for kids). Unless you are very familar with this "other" world you can only guess or speculate. Do your homework and scratch each others backs, that is how it is done. If you need more info pm me.
Good Luck.
P.S. How about a free rental with a trailer, for the Expo member who is the one who notify's the authorities and the trailer is recovered, could be a nice thank you? We will all do it anyway, but dreaming of camping under the stars for free because you did good, is alway rewarding and motivating! :sombrero: