Stolen Adventure Trailer!!

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Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
UK4X4 said:
Martyn you have a PM

a very nice person from another site supplied some info you may or may not have.



Thank you for the information, there is a phone number there that I didn't have.

Surprisingly enough Jeremy Deckling supplied us with all this information and it seems to be correct. So we can hunt down his bank account, his burnt down house, we know his vehicles VIN, his drivers license number etc.

All we need is him and the trailer.


A couple of folks from our Jeep club live near Willard OH. So if they are stupid enough to come back there , folks will be watching for them.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Not to be doom and gloom, but I am worried about a guy with a family that is wanted for some suspicious behavior, ... rents a trailer that you go way out in the nowhere with, ... and then disappears!

Makes me think that the trailer and, ... well, I won't go there, ... may be found out in the middle of nowhere some day.

I am hoping for the kids sake that ... he has simply stolen the trailer.

Hi Martyn,
I'm really sorry to hear about this. I'll let my guys know about it & to keep an eye out for it here in Utah. I worked for 15 years in 2 new car dealerships in the east. We had a few cars stolen over the years. It is not much consolation, but our cars were usually found within 30 days. People that are desperate usually make mistakes & get caught.


To help out locating the jeep, this is what the newer Ohio plates look like. It seems like the designs of state plates are all different anymore and even within one state there are multiple designs.


Just another thought....

If the alligations are true and he is being/has been charged with a felony he might have skipped out on his bail. It might be worth finding out where he was being charged and find who the bail agent is, you two might be able to work together. Bail agents send out people (Dog) to skip trace and re-arrest bail jumpers. You might have some very valuable information which would make a bail agent very happy, so happy that if they found and arrested him, they could call you with a location of the trailer. Otherwise they typically really do not care about the equipment with the person or just give it to family members (gives to wife, wife sells black market for ffod for kids). Unless you are very familar with this "other" world you can only guess or speculate. Do your homework and scratch each others backs, that is how it is done. If you need more info pm me.

Good Luck.

P.S. How about a free rental with a trailer, for the Expo member who is the one who notify's the authorities and the trailer is recovered, could be a nice thank you? We will all do it anyway, but dreaming of camping under the stars for free because you did good, is alway rewarding and motivating! :sombrero:


ExPo Original
After the trailer is found, I would suggest Martyn put out an APB on Bin Laden. With this kind of support and network, he'd be in chains in less than a week....:violent-smiley-031:


Well-known member
kcowyo said:
After the trailer is found, I would suggest Martyn put out an APB on Bin Laden. With this kind of support and network, he'd be in chains in less than a week....:violent-smiley-031:

Yeah but how many trailers has he rented in the Middle East? :campfire: :D
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