New member
Welp... This is not how I wanted to introduce myself to this forum but... here I am. Just bought what I thought was an extremely good condition 2003 Limited. 134K miles no rust vehicle that had the valve covers leaking along with a few other odds and ends that I could handle. while I was changing the valve covers, did the plug seals, rear cam seal, went to change the plugs they all came out nice and easy and back in nice and easy except one. #2... Thought it just wasn't "catching" so went and got a thread chaser... Turns out there was nothing to catch! Plug was bottomed out in the hole... Anyhow long story short has anyone installed an insert with any luck? Or am I into swapping out the head? I'm in Virginia Beach. Planned on wreching on this as my little hobbie truck but thought I'd get some fun out of it first! Also are there any other vehicles where the head would be the same to swap if I needed it? Thanks all!