stuck on the road, please help


I've seen fusible links which have a small crack in them that doesn't look blow but wouldn't carry high currents. They tested out OK with a tester but once bolted in would be open - perhaps due to the mechanical stress on them once bolted down.

I'd be sure to carry a spare around if I was you - cheap insurance in case a problem occurs again.

Agreed! Thanks for the input on experience. Not a whole lot of info out there about them.


Expedition Leader
I think that its just a fatigue cracking situation from thermal stressing when put under high loads for so many years. Not really a "blown fuse" situation so it doesn't look like it blew - just stops working...

I'd toss the old one and get a new spare BTW.


Already have a new spare in the tool box. Out of curiosity what else do you guys consider as essentials for the tool box for these rigs?


In terms of the electrical system? A full set of fuses and replacement relays found on the house and ford systems, replacement headlight and clearance light bulbs, enough wire to go front to back 3x in case the rear signals crap out (happened to me when I picked it up.), full set of crimp connectors and crimper. Normal tire related stuff (spare, patch kit, air pump), being a Type 3 I will have a 3.5 floor jack with me, and misc fluids.


Well, it did it again guys. I had replaced that very small fusible link that feeds off the starter relay. I believe it was a 16 gauge link. I put a couple hundred miles on no problem. The other night I had the van at work and had rinsed the salt off it and had it running outside the shop at fast idle while I locked up. When I got outside and hopped in the van I left the fast idle on and turned on the headlights.

This instantly killed the van, no power just like before. The following evening I cut out the link I had replaced and jumped it with a jumper wire. Vehicle powered right up as it should so I quickly crimped in a new fusable link.

What I know:
Both times it blew the link you could not see anything odd or smell it burning. But its definitely the culprit.....but maybe not the cause.
Anyone have ideas?
Both times I had the high idle on.

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