Alrighty, I got around to finishing up the laptop mount today. After driving around with the mount as it was, I realized it was a little shakey front to back. The way the mount is traingulated, its very solid from left to right, but not much to stabilize it front to back. So, I welded on a little tab and mounted it to the console, and now she is solid as a rock.
Also, I needed to shorten the over all mount about 2 inches, add a thumb screw to lock in the plate in either the driver or passenger position. Got all that accomplished this afternoon, so here is the update.
Here is the plate I welded to the stantion to mount the Delrin to.
I turned down this rod in the lathe so it fits nicely into the tube. I also cut a small shallow groove for the thumb screw. Obviously this was all done before the welding.
This is the thumb screw I used. I have no idea where it came from, but it works great for what I wanted. I dont usualy throw out anything like this stuff as I usually end up needing it down the road... point in case.
Welded up the bracket for front to back support, little overkill since its mounting into plastic, but I had some scrap laying around.