Super Raptor

Ducky's Dad

I'm going to try and take some design cues from the Raptor truck and incorporate them into this truck.
You might want to beef up the frame so that your truck doesn't fold up like a cheap suit when it lands hard. Ford showed a prototype F350 knockoff of the Power Wagon about eight years ago. Looked slick but never saw production. There was at least one magazine article about it, with pics. Worth looking up.


New member
Sometimes things happen. If your ever had to remove the camshaft (think inner timing cover gasket) then your now faced with removing the motor to get pushrods out or removing everything on the driver side of the motor in order access the tappets to hold them up off of the cam.

I only mentioned because all 94 and up ram trucks have those little plugs in the cowl to remove pushrods and as a diesel tech I've used those holes countless times in many repairs. If removing the motor later isn't a big deal then forget adding the holes. As previously stated very nice build.


He sold be fine in the jumping department. Those shocks can't take much.

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Good point silvrcummins! It certainly would be easier to put one in now than wait and potentially do it later. In class 8 truck engines things are a LOT easier to get to in most cases and it isn't an issue just a lot bigger. I am going to have to do some measuring. It looks close.
WHERE did ANYONE get the idea that I will be jumping this 8500 pound truck? NOT gonna happen man. Might flex the hell out of it though. This thing is going to Alaska and back as well as all over the NW and Utah but just a little off road and hunting otherwise. At nearly 23 feet long it's way too big for any serious off road stuff. Just hauling a LOT of weight around. AND my fat ***!

Ducky's Dad

WHERE did ANYONE get the idea that I will be jumping this 8500 pound truck?
Thread Title: "Super Raptor"
When the Rapturds were new on the market, a bunch of yahoos got their rocks off by jumping the trucks and posting YouTube vids of their exploits. There were a number of reports and pics/videos of Rapturds that had folded their frames right between the between the cab and the bed. Most of the perps were wearing flat bill caps, and the Power Wagon crowd (myself included) found all of this to be wildly entertaining. Ford took note and implemented some design changes. Lots of Power Wagons weigh in the neighborhood of 8500 pounds and can handle difficult offroad terrain and mild jumps rather well. Don't get me wrong, I like the F-150 Rapturd but it's more of a real loud toy than it is a real truck. Wouldn't mind having one as a backup to my PW.


OK got it! All I can say is not everyone wears a "flat bill cap"! SOME of understand the limitations of and capabilities of our trucks and drive them accordingly. However this IS a superduty not a "Rapturd" and I can tell you from direct experience that it WILL stand up to some very heavy duty use. Too bad you can't get the PW with a diesel! :)

Ducky's Dad

Too bad you can't get the PW with a diesel!
A lot of us think we would like that and a couple have been home-built. Dodge showed a prototype 5.9 PW at Moab around 2006 or 2007, built by KORE, but it never saw production. The party line from Dodge was/is that the diesel would make the truck too long because the intercooler pushes the winch forward of its factory mount and then it requires a winch bumper, so long and heavy, plus the additional weight of the Cummins over the Hemi. Weight is the other issue with the Cummins, because the extra weight would violate the design parameters of the PW as a go-everywhere truck. The Cummins with its second big battery plus the winch bumper plus the additional leverage of pushing the winch weight out forward of the grill would cause the truck to get stuck more easily in mud and sand, so the Hemi is a tradeoff for keeping the weight down. So, if you combine length and weight, the diesel PW would not be able to go where the gas version does, and that would probably limit sales of what is already a niche vehicle, except maybe to the flat billers who just think a diesel is cool. And the truck is already too expensive, even without the Cummins. Regarding the jumping possibilities, KORE welds axle gussets to the front axles on their race trucks to keep them from fracturing when the truck lands hard. They told me it's not an issue with the Hemi trucks, even when driven hard offroad.


Yes I was VERY surprised to find out before I started this project that the little Cummins 6BTA outweighs the seemingly much larger 7.9L PSD by 120lbs. That's why I added 200lbs of spring capacity on the front springs. As for the frame folding one there will be NO jumping and two it's a SD not a Raptor. I think it'll take it. Right now I am doing the wiring and I must say it's not easy. Especially for someone like me who doesn't really understand electronics. I come from the old school where everything is mechanical. You can see fuel, pump parts, rockers, pistons and stuff but there is NO visual with electricity. Especially when it comes to computers. I'll get er done though.


Progress! ie: MONEY. MadeIMG_20150724_165149570.jpgIMG_20150724_171814407.jpg some serious progress over the last couple months. HarIMG_20150724_165202546.jpgth and the entire drive train will be new from pavement to steering wheel. Last but not by any means least check out my new redneck interior! All that's left is the beer cooler and we are done right?


Expedition Leader
Love that designer seat dose it recline and swivel for play cards? Love the build. N

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2 hole strap the legs down and let it ride. If you want to go pure redneck use bailing wire. Keep up the excellent work.


Bummer dude! I sat in that chair and it folded up. Not good when I'm trying to get someone to hold my beer while I put my hat on backward and jump it over a bunch of Geo Metros! SO I will have to find another seating system. Crap it's gonna cost me at least $7.50 for another chair. In the mean time I have all the trans controller and FMS wiring done and the transmission and transfer case built and installed. A mere $4100. I actually made the engine crank today! WOOO HOOO!

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