Survival Sack: When things go bad...

Basement Yeti

It's not bears I am worried about, it's people. I'm not very wary of people now, just cautious. But if SHTF, people get desperate, and aggressive.

It's illegal to use that stuff against humans. It can cause throats and air passages to swell and asphyxiate people.

I don't know if I even want a gun. I don't think I could live with myself for killing another human.

I think a stun gun or some other non-lethal weapon might be in order.
I don't know if I even want a gun. I don't think I could live with myself for killing another human.

I think a stun gun or some other non-lethal weapon might be in order.

Why no gun? If you have a problem with shooting someone, then just don't shoot someone. Why throw away a tool that can get you food easiest, cheapest, and least labor intensive?

I would rather shoot someone than be shot/robbed/whatever.

I really don't understand your logic.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Cody Lundin's book

"98.6 the Art of Keeping Your *** Alive"


I've known Cody since the mid 90s here in Prescott when he was just starting his business teaching aboriginal living skills. As Prescott residents, we'd cross paths now and then, and he still purchases some of his clothing at the outdoor store where I work. Long story short, I've known Cody for a very long time. I have to say, only recently has he been viewed as an expert. For years he was to many just a shoe-less crack pot wandering Prescott. The guy is very, very skilled. As you said, his survival skills are designed to get you through a few tough days while help arrives. His aboriginal skills courses are far more intensive.


Why no gun? If you have a problem with shooting someone, then just don't shoot someone. Why throw away a tool that can get you food easiest, cheapest, and least labor intensive?

I would rather shoot someone than be shot/robbed/whatever.

I really don't understand your logic.

Maybe jack rabbits can be Tasered too? :elkgrin:

I figure that if there was a true end of world event that Basement Yeti will soon be looking for a firearm from someone that he knows has a stockpile :ylsmoke:.


..... For years he was to many just a shoe-less crack pot wandering Prescott....

Though I know Cody only from what I've seen on the boob-tube, I'd say he's still a shoe-less crack pot.....

If ever I were in a dire survival situation I can't think of anyone I'd rather have with me though....

B.L. Sims

Why no gun? If you have a problem with shooting someone, then just don't shoot someone. Why throw away a tool that can get you food easiest, cheapest, and least labor intensive?

I would rather shoot someone than be shot/robbed/whatever.

I really don't understand your logic.

Let me preface this with the fact that I take on a "prepared" mindset. That means I own firearms, carry one daily, keep spare food, ammo, water, and other items put back in case of unforseen events.

But, people are free to be as over or under prepared as they want to be. Personally, none of my "preps" dont include at least one firearm. The 2a said you have the right to bear arms- its not a requirement to do so. If he choses not to own or carry a firearm im not going to begrudge him and I urge others not to either. Everyone has to make their own decisions based on their experienced or their perceived experiences.

I too would rather use force (legally) against someone who was using or intended to use force to cause me serious bodily harm. I dont and cannot understand the logic of being helpless against an attacker so I cant even try to speculate.

As long as it neither picks my pocket, breaks my leg, or takes food from me or my family im prepared not to care. Some might be inclined to think "oh well, he carries a gun everywhere! He must be always on the lookout for trouble, paranoid, on the offense". If people really knew how many of their neighbors, bosses, co-workers, fellow commuters, school teachers, preachers, etc do arm themselves it would put a stop to this silly notion.

In reference to the above, BOB's, Go bags, Grab-n-go's, survival packs, whatever you call them- people are prepared to ridicule right up untill you save the day using one. Same goes for pocket knives. *Gasp* but why would you need to carry a knife everywhere? (rolls eyes)


Expedition Leader
Havent re-read the entire thread, so please forgive me if this is a repeat - but I have recently added a small cordless drill and a box of long wood screws. Could really speed up a shelter construction and would certainly make it more durable. Same would apply for a gurney etc. Idea brought to you by my mom!

Basement Yeti

Oh, I plan to get a rifle. For at least game hunting. I hunted and trapped when I was a kid and would give up Veganism in a heart beat to survive. I would not throw away a powerful tool like that.

But honestly, I am a pacifist. I've worked very hard to achieve peace and serenity in my life. I do not know if I could kill another sentient being and not destroy myself. However, this is like trying to predict when an asteroid will hit Earth. It's impossible, I do not know how I'd react if forced to destroy another human life, or what affect it would have on me. When it comes time to pull that trigger, what will happen before and after, if anything?

Sure I would love to survive, but can I?

Part of me wants to be prepared to take another human life to save my own, or a family members, or a friend. I am just not sure it's there. I have been talking to my brother in law who is in the military about this.


Havent re-read the entire thread, so please forgive me if this is a repeat - but I have recently added a small cordless drill and a box of long wood screws. Could really speed up a shelter construction and would certainly make it more durable. Same would apply for a gurney etc. Idea brought to you by my mom!

I had one instance of a 3 day electricity outage. Because I did not have a generator I bought an old fashioned "eggbeater" hand drill to handle a few tasks.


Utah KJ

Free State of Florida
Being the the baddest ******** in the valley brings one peace and serenity (Adapted from "Pulp Fiction").

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