Sweet Hiluxes in "District 9"


:eek: Haha whoops, so much for my wierd never-before-seen front bumper theory. I guess I got so caught up in all the drooling I lost my grip on reality :drool:

[OffTopic] I had no idea that HDPE was being used for vehicular armor. That's a pretty cool application for plastics. I used to work at a Polyethylene plant that made LDPE, LLDPE, and HDPE. It's a pretty amazing process; the chemical reaction runs at just under 30,000 psi and 900*F, which makes for some really interesting equipment and piping challenges [/OffTopic]

I don't know if it's really plastic, it just looks that way to me.

I think I'm going to buy some 1/4" HDPE from a local plastic store. I want to use it to cover my skid plates and make some door protection panels (better looking than rub strips).


Photos of those trucks are near impossible to find... I grabbed those images from videos of trailers and interviews..


Photos of those trucks are near impossible to find... I grabbed those images from videos of trailers and interviews..

Yea I was wondering where you found those...I looked everywhere online after I saw the movie and I couldn't find anything. Thanks for posting!

expeditionswest said:
It was a great movie. Very unique. One of my favorites this year.
I think that's why I liked it so much; it was one of those rare movies that as you're watching it you're thinking "wow, I've never seen a movie like this before." In that sense it kinda reminded me of Cloverfield, which I also really liked, probably for the same reason.


Photos of those trucks are near impossible to find... I grabbed those images from videos of trailers and interviews..

Not impossible to find at all....head over to www.newhilux.net

local australian forum dedicated to new hilux's with members from all over the world....best forum for them.

swing over there and have a look at what different owners from around the world do with their hilux's.
Not impossible to find at all....head over to www.newhilux.net

local australian forum dedicated to new hilux's with members from all over the world....best forum for them.

swing over there and have a look at what different owners from around the world do with their hilux's.

I think he meant the actual truck's from District 9.

Anyways, if you guy's liked District 9 and have yet to see Children of Men, may I suggest that one too.

While completely different stories, they have similar shooting styles, are gritty, gut and heart wrenching, and have deep rooted subtexts that keep you thinking. Action scenes are rooted in reality instead of a Michael Bay universe. Both the films share a similarity in their scale. While the stories take place in a world on the brink of chaos, the characters we meet are nothing special and while the story unfolds the rest of the world just keeps on moving along. By using past human atrocities as a framework, it hopes to create a world that could be our own and devoid of simple answers to the problems presented.
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I think he meant the actual truck's from District 9.

Anyways, if you guy's liked District 9 and have yet to see Children of Men, may I suggest that one too.

Bingo, of course I can find photos of Hiluxs... But the ones from D-9 are elusive little bastards..

I'll check out Children of Men this weekend.


X 2 on Children of Men. Very good movie. There are three segments in the movie that are filmed without a break in the film - one camera following the action throughout. That alone (for a movie geek like me) would make it worth seeing. That said, the storyline itself is very interesting so the movie is two thumbs up for me.

Gonna have to see District 9 now...


You guys really think D9 was good? It was HORRIBLE!!! It was like a guy wrote a decent story, handed it to a kid with ADD and a pair of sicissors and said "drink a red bull and have at it!"

CG was good, the hilux..s and the casspirs were cool. But the plots (yes plural, which is a bad idea to begin with) were misrible. Cmon, Pick an angle, moving them, getting them to leave, metamorphisis, make up your mind. I wanted to leave after about 10 min and the only thing keeping me there was that I paid for the tickets.
You guys really think D9 was good? It was HORRIBLE!!! It was like a guy wrote a decent story, handed it to a kid with ADD and a pair of sicissors and said "drink a red bull and have at it!"

CG was good, the hilux..s and the casspirs were cool. But the plots (yes plural, which is a bad idea to begin with) were misrible. Cmon, Pick an angle, moving them, getting them to leave, metamorphisis, make up your mind. I wanted to leave after about 10 min and the only thing keeping me there was that I paid for the tickets.

You didn't like it....what ever does not floats your boat I guess.


Well-known member
You guys really think D9 was good? It was HORRIBLE!!! It was like a guy wrote a decent story, handed it to a kid with ADD and a pair of sicissors and said "drink a red bull and have at it!"....

Not agreeing with your review but I love your illustration lol :D

My wife and I checked it out last night, I thought it was cool, she wasn't as impressed. We are not typically sci-fi movie watchers though.

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