Sweet Hiluxes in "District 9"


I like a good scifi movie as much as the next guy. Star Trek, Transformers, even Starship Troopers had a better plot. It just seemed to cram too much down the throat of the viewer at once. Alot of blood and gore for what it was. The effects were cool ill admit. But seriously the best part of the movie was the vehicles.

P.S. can anyone tell if thats a GO LIGHT on the um... driver/ passenger/ PORT side roof of the truck?
Star Trek, Transformers, even Starship Troopers

Ahh, but Starship Troopers is suppose to make you think your watching a big dumb popcorn sci fi movie when in reality there is a lot of tongue in cheek and it is ripe with political and social commentary. It is a great film disguised as a bad one on purpose.

Honestly, I find it hard to classify films like District 9 and Children of Men as Sci-fi films. That's not the point of these two GREAT films. They have relevance to our society even if they take place in the future or have aliens in them.
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Ahh, but Starship Troopers is suppose to make you think your watching a big dumb popcorn sci fi movie when in reality there is a lot of tongue in cheek and it is ripe with political and social commentary. It is a great film disguised as a bad one on purpose.

Honestly, I find it hard to classify films like District 9 and Children of Men as Sci-fi films. That's not the point of these two GREAT films. They have relevance to our society even if they take place in the future or have aliens in them.

That's what scifi is all about


Saw the movie today. It was the best scifi movie I've ever seen.

Also, I think the armor on the Hiluxes really is plastic.


Expedition Leader
On a side note, I found both the books for Children of Men and for Starship Troopers much better than the movie...however, I rank both of those movies in my top 20. Starship Troopers 3 arrives from Netflix this week :D

Father and I are going to see District 9 this week.

EDIT: The movie has always reminded me of the old show Alien Nation...anyone remember that one?




"Whoa nice headers"! -that line gets me everytime!


On a side note, I found both the books for Children of Men and for Starship Troopers much better than the movie...

The Children of Men book is exceptional and definitely worth reading. The movie, while great in and if itself, sacrificed a lot of the brilliance of the original story.


Did anyone catch the 'under-theme(s)' of the movie or the parallels in it? A friend of mine from JHB played Tania, Wicker's wife and explained 2 of them to me. Interesting but if you're not from South Africa, one of them may go unnoticed. I would bring both to light here but wouldn't want to spoil the movie to those who haven't yet seen it. Understanding the point of the film made it much better the second time I saw it. There is and educational aspect to the film and not just mere entertainment.


I would bring both to light here but wouldn't want to spoil the movie to those who haven't yet seen it. Understanding the point of the film made it much better the second time I saw it. There is and educational aspect to the film and not just mere entertainment.

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