Switching my life to "not Jeans". Can I get some recomendations for good NON JEANS


On a somewhat related note, today I'm wearing regular Levis instead of my Firehose pants because I'm not planning to do any physical work, just some training with a client. As I was prepairing to leave the house I was at a loss. Where do I put my phone? Where do I put my flashlight? Where do I put the marina gate card?

Once you get used to a lot of pockets, it's hard to go back.


Autism Family Travellers!
uncomfortable as hell. all the pants I wear now are way more comfy. My reasons are all about being comfortable.


Expedition Leader
i have about 6 pair of the 5.11, as they come in 36. they show no signs of wear yet, and dont seem to stain. they have a multitool pocket that keeps me from losing my reading glasses as frequently. i now buy 2x magnifiers them in bulk.

i get my stuff on amazon, on sale, free shipping. the last pair i bought were 40 bucks.

keep your jeans, tho. wearing tactikool pants out when not needed makes you look like a dweeb. like the dude that goes out for tacos and beer at a sidewalk cafe with a fly fishing shirt, ozzie hat, and skir... errr... kilt. or the gangbanger with his pants down and red bandana. you appear to be desperately trying to say something out your personality to set yourself apart. insecure.

remember, in the 80's, the "non jean" crowd wore stuff made of parachute material. dont be "that guy" in old photos.


Just get Kuhl pants. I wear them all the time. They have a great cut, several different kinds of fabrics to choose from.

They have utility pockets for knives etc. without going completely overboard with tactikool-ness.
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Autism Family Travellers!
I wear my stuff all the time, and Im one of those guys who does not give one F*$K what anyone thinks about him. :costumed-smiley-007


Chalk me up as a Carhartt convert. Although they are a little heavy for hot weather. I wear Columbia convertible pants in the summer. They are no comparison to the Carhartts when walking through brush in the field training my Brittany.


I just got a couple of pair of Kuhl pants...they have a variety of cotton, cotton blend and synthetic pants. the fit is good and they seem to be pretty durable, so far.


A quick update: I killed 2 pairs of Duluth Firehose Flex pants.
Both of them died from battery acid though - not much holds up to that. It's just part of the job; crawling around tight bilges in boats often means siting/kneeling/laying on batteries.
On the plus side, they're sending me replacements via their 'no bull' guarantee. And I have yet to kill any of the regular firehose pants which are noticeably tougher.
I've gotten so used to wearing them I'm starting to wear them even when I'm not working. Although I still don't wear them for hiking or other outdoor recreation type stuff so much as they are pretty heavy and I have more specialize gear for that.


I just picked up a tan pair of Kuhls, these thing are redicuously comfortable, I just need to get over the fact they are not blue jeans, they fit well and are great when working so far they flex a lot... Thanks for the info everyone...

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