i have about 6 pair of the 5.11, as they come in 36. they show no signs of wear yet, and dont seem to stain. they have a multitool pocket that keeps me from losing my reading glasses as frequently. i now buy 2x magnifiers them in bulk.
i get my stuff on amazon, on sale, free shipping. the last pair i bought were 40 bucks.
keep your jeans, tho. wearing tactikool pants out when not needed makes you look like a dweeb. like the dude that goes out for tacos and beer at a sidewalk cafe with a fly fishing shirt, ozzie hat, and skir... errr... kilt. or the gangbanger with his pants down and red bandana. you appear to be desperately trying to say something out your personality to set yourself apart. insecure.
remember, in the 80's, the "non jean" crowd wore stuff made of parachute material. dont be "that guy" in old photos.