...where the **** are they getting their pants???? everything stops at 34 until youre fat...
Ain't that the truth. I'm 6'3" around 225. It's like I'm a normal sized person from the belt up, but not from the belt down. If I buy a "Tall" size shirt it looks like I'm wearing a dress but pants barely exist in my length that are not 48 around or some crap.
I was a 36 waist and that made it nearly impossible, now I've gained enough weight I can hold up a 38x36 and be sort of comfortable but on the verge of looking like Jethro Bodine since the inseam is barely adequate at 36. I really need a 38x38 but that's not going to happen. I used to need a 36x38 and that is completely unobtainable.
For the last year or two finding pants has been such a pain I've worn $10 jeans I lucked up on at a local farm supply that fit well enough I cleaned them out of every pair they had and ended up with like 6-7 pair. But here recently I've been getting tired of jeans as I miss the pockets on tac pants and my job is swinging in a direction I think I should be a bit more business casual from time to time. Tac pants usually strike a balance where I'm not so dressed up I look like the facilities token brown-noser, but I can wear a nice shirt with it and be comfortable.
About the best I've come up within tac pants is what has already been mentioned, Tru-Spec 24-7 pants in unhemmed, which come just barely long enough so I can have them hemmed to exactly what I need. I used to get 5.11 stuff but they quit letting me get unhemmed stuff in that size range (I actually called the company directly and asked, and the response was like, oh we stopped doing that, sucks for you), so screw them, and I think I like the Tru-Spec pocket layout better anyway. I actually wore out 5.11 pants to the point they fell apart, have not yet done that to a Tru-Spec pair.
I recently got 3 new pair of Tru-Spec since I outgrew my 36's and this time got both poly blend and a cotton pair and will see which I prefer (which I think will be temperature dependent.)