Tales of the Grey Mouser...


LJ sleeper/storage kit


Here is what I have so far. I made the top deck a little bit wider than Haggis did. Then I put in a metal tool drawer with ball berring slide rails. All the corners and edges were rounded, and sanded smooth. Next I will be installing a slide out 18 1/2" X 21 1/2" hard wood shelf above the drawer. Then I plan to do a little bit different set up on the fold out sleeper sections. Looking forward to testing it out in a couple of weeks!

Haggis, I noticed something... I suppose you had to fix your left support by moving it to be flush with the top of the left side wall, not the bottom of it... I have an idea to share with you, but I'm out of time (headed for bed, but will write more in the afternoon).
Now, I can share with you the idea I have.

I took your original design and cut the bed in half, so that it's a solo camper that leaves me more room for more gear or to kind of sit up on the bed. Doing so threw off the balance of the platform because of the rear seat latches. Your design has it resting on BOTH latches. I had to put in levelers to level it out. I'm building the left side bed, now that a friend of mine wants to go camping. But I can leave that bed behind when I'm camping by myself, which is the case most of the time anyway. Here's the solo camper!


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Almost done! Still have a couple of finish ends to install on the Mac's tie down rails, paint the drawer, put a handle on the slide out table. She turned out solid as a rock, and sleeps 2 cofortably on a colman SUV inflatable matress! I decided to change the supports for the fold down sections to removable pole types that store in holders on the side of the kit.


Appalachian Ridgerunner
That looks great treadstone! I'm getting ready to rework mine and I'm going to steal your idea for the slide out work surface but I think I'll make mine full width.


Thanks Haggis. This forum is a great place to get new ideas, and see what has worked/notIMG_0212.jpgIMG_0224.jpgIMG_0242.jpg worked for other people. I think a duel battery set up, power converter, and an ARB fridge will be next. I am hoping to make it ti the Expedition Expo this May in Flagstaff to get some more ideas.


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Sooooo....I was asked what's new with the Mouser.

Well, to tell you the truth...not much. Hell, I haven't hardly driven it this year. No weekend trips, no last minute afternoon sneak aways, no tinkering, nuttin'.

But it is out and about, in the hands of my daughter, Allison. The Mouser and her are having a good time, cruising to Ally's two summer jobs and be-bopping around with her girlfriends. The Jeep seems happy with this arrangement until Allison gets enough scratch to get her own Jeep.



Appalachian Ridgerunner
Yeah!!! I have control of my Jeep again. Yep, the Mouser and I are a team again and we’ll be out running the woods as the leaves turn this fall.

Of course I had to pry that teenage girl of mine away from the old Mouser but found it was fairly easy by distracting her with her very own Jeep. Of course I didn’t get her a real Jeep but a chick Jeep will do just fine for my ridgerunnin’ princess…



It’s a 2001 Limited in cruising the boulevard black.

She is already planning adventures for when she graduates from high school, but the mods are going to be kept to a minimum. Better tires, a deer thumper bumper up front and some preventative maintenance tender loving care. As this will be her college ride when the time comes we’ll keep it stock. The biggest setback for her will be the loss of the “Jeep Waves” as she drives the XJ. But, like I told her, cute girls in Jeeps always get waved at. :wavey:

Jim K in PA

Good work Mark. She looks really happy. A great choice for her first rig. As to whether or not an XJ is a "real" Jeep, I am sure the unibody guys will chime in soon enough on that issue. ;)

Auto or manual?


Love it. Both my older ones are fully indoctrinated in the jeep addiction.... and my 2.5 year old is already a jeep fanatic.

Good luck with the cherokee, daughter, college, etc... My 21 year old daughter is on track to graduate this spring and like you, I could not be prouder.



Appalachian Ridgerunner
Chic jeep?....
:elkgrin: I knew that would get someone flummoxed. I jest...I'm just teasing my daughter about her new Jeep after she called her girlfriend's Liberty a cheerleeder's Jeep...of course her friend is a cheerleaders so I guess this time its appropriate. Oh oh here come the KJ fan boys all flummoxed now...:Wow1:

I've been looking for a XJ (or a nice T-100) for the last six months or so as they are a great all around ride for a college kid that will have to navigate many a winter road. It took some time to find a clean example at a good price..man did I look at a lot of rust buckets that were too high priced. With far better gas mileage and a lower entry price over a Wrangler a Cherokee makes better economic sense. Plus with the plethora of addons and widgets the girl can tweek her new ride to her hearts content...or until her money runs out. So if one thinks about it and the fact that I bought one I must like XJs. Though not as much as my old MJ...that was a great truck. I wish I could have found a decent one of those, but alas it was not to be.

This one is loaded with all the options other than leather seats; its an auto with the 231 case; and has 137,000 miles. My old Comanche had 237,000 miles when I reluctantly had to let it go and was the best vehicle I've ever owned.

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