Taser M18L


My latest acquisition, legal in most States, not considered a firearm and therefore legal in parks. Great for trail running too! I just need to figure out a way to carry while running that won't bounce all over the place yet will not be conspicuous.



I have but one question, and I'm not meaning to be rude, just to understand a bit better...

Why do you need a taser when you're out bush???

Is it for protection from people or wildlife?


Expedition Leader
They work great. I've been tased bro:)

There should be holsters available or you can have a custom one made. For hiking or running a fanny pack perhaps.
Awesome new toy for sure! I carry the X26 for work every day. I have also used the M26 and have been tased by the M26. The X26 isn't that much better. It has a new shaped charge and some other things that make it better but not much of an upgrade. Although I do like the size of the X26 better. I received my Taser Instructor certificate using the M26. Taser is saying that the M18L is like the M26.

I'm not sure how I feel about people being able to buy these on the street. I got tased and the only thing I remember is a white light, intense pain, no control, and flopping over onto the ground like a Crappie! I couldn't even yell/scream! It's like one big muscle cramp. There have been instances where people could fight through it. I am not one of those people. I think that there should be some sort of permit to purchase a Taser device. Last thing I want to happen is get tased and have someone take my gun and shoot me with it... Good times!

Awesome tool though! :victory:


Brian McVickers

Staff member
Future Weapons on the Military Channel, the other day, featured the new 12ga Taser shell. It looks like an extra long 12ga round and has a range of about 60'. It delievers a 20second jolt that is a bit more powerful than the sidearm version. Very cool development indeed!
I loved being tazed. :xxrotflma So much so I opted for a 2nd round.

And I don't know your legal status, so I would just recommend that if you're able to do so, you invest in a quality pistol, license to carry, and a quality holster to carry in.


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