So got the leafs finished up just need bump stops and wow the flex is unbelievable I can walk up stuff that i was lifting tires on before. I'm very impressed and I ended up 1/2" higher than my last setup which is fine.
Also got the manual proportioning valve in, that is a massive difference. I think my other one was blown. Now the pedal is way stiffer and I can actually feel the rear brakes grabbing. When I bled them I could hear the star wheel ratcheting in the drum and now I can manually adjust how much braking goes to the rear. Right now I've got it 50% front 50% rear and let the fact that the rear end has drums do the proportioning.
So you plug the bottom of this tee
Then this sucker on the line to the rear brakes heads up its a bubble flare so takes some adaptors to work with Toyotas inverted flare and made a bracket near the abs module