Tc650 owners-Tundra/Silverado/f150?


Coguzzi: I was looking at license plate mounted wireless cameras. They look easy to mount, but probably easy to steal.


Coguzzi: I was looking at license plate mounted wireless cameras. They look easy to mount, but probably easy to steal.

just as easy to steal as a license plate, but i dont hear of that very often-ha. what i like about the actual dodge parts is it is plug and play in the factory screen and wiring. i havent shopped in a while, but all the wireless cameras that used to be out there came with and needed to use their own screen which you needed to mount somewhere (windshield mount or rear view mirror mount etc). im on my second wireless camera in a 2 years in my Tundra, works, but not awesome, and the screen falls off the wind shield suction cutp mount every so often, and its obtrusive for the view. i really like everything integrated into the U-Connect screen in the dash


Things I'd have done differently: gotten my steps when I ordered the camper and not listened to the salesman when he said "ah, you can get those later." Caused a lot of re-work with camera positioning, etc. Got the 5-step Torklift 8" glowsteps. Love!
Hacked a mounting on the hitch to prevent steps from bumping on bumper during travel. Will post picture later.
On a different note, thought I'd share some storage hacks. Converted dinette to bed and utilized area beneath the bed for extra storage (see photos). Front opening plastic easy access boxes secured by cafe tension curtain rods for traveling and easy removal/no installation. Also, smaller boxes on top with removable dividers.
Going on the 6th trip next week - headed to the East coast for the fall leaves.
Went to Ely Minnesota week of 6/13 using some of the beautiful routes from Readers' Digest "The most Scenic Drives in America". Highly recommend. Nice to take the slow roads and enjoy the scenery.
Took it on a few other weekend trips.
Love it, having fun with it, regretting nothing...
Thanks again everyone.
Last two pictures turned out sideways for some reason. Bottom of picture is on the right.


As a Tundra owner I can tell you that I would not even consider a camper, even one that light.

I pull an Expo style trailer (M1101) and with the family and the gear that I want in the bed of the truck (which is not much, as most equip. is in the trailer) and the 300ish in tongue weight, the truck is at it's realistic limit. I have airbags and they are certainly a help with sag and handling, but they don't change the load capacity at all. Gross limit is what it is.

I really like my Tundra, but I would upgrade if I wanted a camper of any sort

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