Care to elaborate? :ylsmoke:
I use this rig harder than probably some if not most 100 owners. Some of the sub assemblies, including the rear axle bearing design, is probably not designed to handle the type of usage I've subjected this rig to over the past 5-years. 4-rear axle rebuilds in the past year due to seal failure. Quite possibly I bent the housing...or not.
But at the end of the day I absolutely hate not having an axle system I can service and maintain myself (on the recent Utah trip alone we did over 130 stream crossings). There is no way to check, as on the 80-Series FF, whether water has contaminated the seal/bearings. And when its had enough it just fails...sort of like Russian just don't know when or where it will happen.
The pressed on bearing retainer and all the other related parts is about a $675 PER SIDE parts and labor (mostly parts!!!) at any Toyota dealer. You'd need a couple expensive SSTs and at least a 40T press to do it at home; no possible R&R in the field.
99.99% of Hundy owners don't see the SF as a problem...