Surprised YES!!!! Yikes... It was like watching a movie in slow motion as the rattler slithered away unbothered, heart racing and everyone around me slackjaw in disbelief. We all were in wonderment as to how long it had been there. I was also fortunate to have picked up the right end of the bag.
Rattlers will sun themselves during the daytime sun, then as the sun sets they seek shade and warmth. Under a rock, Sage, downed debris, errant sleeping bags:Wow1: ect. I wished I still had the photo to share, it was one of the largest snakes I've encountered.
One more, A good friend and I during summer break while I was in highschool, decided to hike the falls near Sinks Canyon in the Wind River Mountains south of Lander, Wyoming. We backpacked up and fishing for "brookies" along the way for supper. Full-belly and tired, I threw down a small tarp and my bag on a large rock near the water. I got in the bag and covered the top of myself with the remaining section of tarp. It was an absolutely beautiful evening, stars bright and twinkling, just and ever so subtle breeze. I slipped off to slumber.
Unconsciously I remember wiping what felt like dew or mist from the falls from my face a time a two. Then all of the sudden I heard the loudest sneeze, snuffle, whatever you call it, and I open my eyes and a cow moose is standing over me:elkgrin:. I was too startled to yell so I grabbed the first thing I could throw. The moose went on about its travels. After settling down, and returning to sleep, I awoke to sun cresting the mountain, and spent the rest of the morning looking for my wallet, I threw at the moose.........:wings: