Tent to leave up all summer


New member
We recently bought a piece of land out in the middle of nowhere. We're thinking of setting up a tent or something that we can leave there over the summer. I'm thinking we need something a little more durable that a Springbar or Kodiak. I've seen some portable cabins by Alaska Structures that look pretty sturdy, and some Quonset huts by WeatherPort too. I've also seen a lot of yurts that people claim are great. Anyone out there have ideas on a good solution for a four month long installation?


I'd look at one of the military surplus tents - a friend of mine has one that's about 15 x 20. It looks durable enough especially if you built a wooden platform to erect it on.


New member
How about a good old fashion canvas wall tent? As I see you are in WA, for added protection you could put a tarp over the tent. Outfitters use wall tents from summer well into the fall, leave them up for months at a time. Bonus is you can have a wood stove too. I love my wall tent. I also love not having a floor, something some might not enjoy so much.

Another thought, a cheap older pull behind camper?


We recently bought a piece of land out in the middle of nowhere. We're thinking of setting up a tent or something that we can leave there over the summer. I'm thinking we need something a little more durable that a Springbar or Kodiak. I've seen some portable cabins by Alaska Structures that look pretty sturdy, and some Quonset huts by WeatherPort too. I've also seen a lot of yurts that people claim are great. Anyone out there have ideas on a good solution for a four month long installation?

Second the "Canvas Tent" trope, but the specifics can be intimidating to sort through. Many excellent sources, many more that would not be a good experience. I have personal experience with these folks;


I recommend David Ellis without hesitation. This is my tent, that he made for me:



For you, he might build something like this:

0001 - TENT safari.jpg



I hope this helps :)

SoCal Tom

The San Diego Safari Park uses tents like those above and they are up all summer. Personally I would look for a old camp trailer.

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Check out Snowtrekker Tents: http://www.snowtrekkertents.com/

Here is my 10X13 Expedition Basecamp:


Here's the "tent" I stayed in at Tanda Tula Safari Camp in the Greater Kruger National Park last July. These are up full-time year round. It's a tent in only the loosest sense, of course!





On a more serious note, how about the Cabela's Outfitter series?
Cabelas Outfitter tent 2016 05.jpg



Fine tents, the Alaknak series, but from Cabela's own website they are made in China. That is unnecessary, unless you are shopping primarily on price. Many such tents can be sourced from top quality USA tent fitters, such as David Ellis or SnowTrekker (very fine 4-season tents!), among others. My experience with the few American sources I have purchased from, is; first rate customer service, custom work as needed, lasting quality, repairs when needed to a tent that (properly maintained) will last for many years, and very good value for money (just not cheap, which is not the same thing at all).

Also, second the military surplus (genuine, USA made). Very good moderate cost option.


Fine tents, the Alaknak series, but from Cabela's own website they are made in China. That is unnecessary, unless you are shopping primarily on price. Many such tents can be sourced from top quality USA tent fitters, such as David Ellis or SnowTrekker (very fine 4-season tents!), among others. My experience with the few American sources I have purchased from, is; first rate customer service, custom work as needed, lasting quality, repairs when needed to a tent that (properly maintained) will last for many years, and very good value for money (just not cheap, which is not the same thing at all).

Also, second the military surplus (genuine, USA made). Very good moderate cost option.

Good advice! I agree with your thinking completely.


Military tents are prefect for this sort of deal. You can find them in just about any shape and size you want. They're modular, durable, fairly inexpensive, have stove jacks, and the list goes on. The only downsides are that being dyed dark green, they can get VERY hot inside if you set them where they'll be in direct sun all day, and you just can't secure a tent long-term. Even if you take everything out of it, the tent itself can be dismantled and stolen by a couple people in a couple hours if it's clearly unattended for extended periods of time.


I had a buddy who bought mountain land and until they were ready to put up a permanent structure, their building codes were such that they didn't need permits if it was under a certain size. They put up a Tuff Shed. Cots, stove, etc. can leave it locked up. Poor man's cabin :)


...and you just can't secure a tent long-term. Even if you take everything out of it, the tent itself can be dismantled and stolen by a couple people in a couple hours if it's clearly unattended for extended periods of time.
This is my concern. Long term attended a tent isn't bad (like if you're building a cabin and need shelter while it's built). But I'd go the route of picking up a cheap used travel trailer, it's not as pretty having a 1990s trailer looking abandoned on your property but it does help give the air of "Don't trespass, there may be a crazy "unibomber" protecting his property around here."

Just get something used off craigs list that isn't falling apart, haul it out, then put a hitch lock on it or put it on blocks and remove the wheels.

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