Hi all,
well, all nice banter here - nice ideas and all, but at SOME POINT you will have to settle on a path through the proposed project (..you already have a list and along this discussion you eliminated quite a few of your initial ideas, mainly when it comes to "proven", "simple", and weight issues...)
Though the TATRA system is NICE!! - it is NOT simple. Very capable, but IF you have trouble with it on the road (...we agreed to stay ON roads, right?), you are on your own - ....and the hopefully excellent long distance support from TATRA!
Unless you "have the need for speed!" - (which you will NOT have in a camper...) - the Independent suspension (latest Oshkosh or any other) will be overkill and more complex than you want.
Military needs/wants to go as fast as possible when on the move - make this more a "Rally"-like environment, the places you want to go with the Terraliner will want better ground clearance - like in SOLID AXLES.
A Solid Axle suspension with airbags will be able to be serviced about anywhere in the world and you won't notice any difference in ride comfort to any other suspension.....[ many proven 4x4s have/had solid axles at least until recently, Toyota Land Cruiser, Nissan Patrol, Land Rover, Mercedes-G, etc.... - why go for something complex if you don't need it??? - higger the vehicle the less harsh/bouncy a solid axle becomes - Just count the "moving links of a Solid Axle System versus a Independent System... All these links are usually bearings or rubber bushes or Poly-bushes - ALL of these eventually wear out and need replacing - make it as easy as possible!!]
Rollbars - if you already make a NEW Terraliner, might as well built these in - Carbon/kevlar monocoque box or steel space frame - "rollbars" INCLUDED INTO the structure. Just put a few "wear"-pieces on the outside!
Looking good and all martial - exo-cages/rollbars are DEFINITELY an aerodynamic no-no!! ON the long highway runs they will not help with economy.
I like the "Tatra Chassis with a Container"-idea, except - "integrating", as a top priority of Bio - ...would be seriously tough!
Also a 40/45 footer will weight in at better than 4 tons - ...then, you would have your rollbars included and have an excellent basis for slide-out construction all around! However you would have to build a complete new front end (cab) to somehow "integrate"....
Then - depending on price, a conventional chassis (like Campo's ride) might just be fine as well - if you mount the container solid! ....and you get "maintainability around the world" back!
ON the other hand you will always lose 4-tons of the overall weight just to the box! If that would be a good way to do it for a commercial product, all the established expedition vehicle builders would have done it long time ago (I am sure at some point they all did look at that possibility...]
Now - if your travel plans include politically less hospital areas - with a container as your walls - you are also save from lead laden air - you will need a .50 cal. or an RPG to get through the container!
If SERIAL-HYBRID is still a must in the requirements department - you might also forget about the TATRA chassis - there is TONS of gears in that system, eating up TONS of power along the way - The Tatra chassis is one big transmission that was stretched into a chassis!!
If your drive units are going to be electric you want to eliminate as many transmission-gears as possible to avoid transmission losses!
By the time you modified the TATRA chassis to that extend, there is not much left of it!
Then you might as well just build your own tube chassis with pendular axles and hub motors - back to the discussion about electric motors and efficiency!
Again - I think your best bet is to NOT push innovation for innovations sake!
Sometimes INNOVATION is mostly simplification and going back to basics!!
[As an excellent sample have a read-up on this:
http://www.autospeed.com/cms/article.html?&A=111091 ...the gentleman discusses the merits of different suspension layouts for this particular application. To get to the optimum solution for a PARTICULAR case - you can't just copy/paste from others!]
Also - compare youtube stuff from the HUMMER/HUMVEE in the muck/off-road to others of similar size and purpose (Unimog, Volvo C303 to C306, Pinzgauer, etc....), and you will see that Independent Suspensions (Oshkosh style - Tatra/Pinzgauer pedular axles are different......) in these situations are quite limited!
And mostly not by traction - you can get that by proper tire choice and loads of lockers (...see Tatra and Pinzgauer - will have a wheel in the air quite often!) . It is the chassis that mainly gets in the way!
Nice articulation at every wheel with the independent suspension, but it does not lift the bottom of the car out of the way of obstacles!!
Just to throw it into the discussion: You should think about not taking it too seriously with the "Rigid Frame" requirement.
As a fact, there is no such thing! EVERYTHING flexes! Tatra and MAN/KAT are just closer to the rigid edge, Unimog (e.g.) closer to the flexible edge (...on purpose!).
Have also a look into aviation - airliners would NOT be possible if designed with as a much rigidity as possible - they would break up shortly!
[Ever observed a wing on take-off? Tips are WAY up long before the liner gets off the wheels! Also look at the wings in flight: Quite scary to see them bounce around!! No worries - they are DESIGNED for that!]
Very simply said: The stiffer something is the worse the failure mode: compare a metal can of fruit (bend the top or the can as you wish - you will get tired before it BREAKS!) - now, do the same to a piece of glass!! You can't bend it even 5% of the amount you bent the can! ....and the failure mode is - "catastrophic"! Of course these are the extreme samples, but the idea holds throughout every engineering application!
A big rig WILL flex! ....OR it WILL be HEAVY for rigidity .....OR complex (make that EXPENSIVE) to triangulate/sandwich/honeycomb the system....
The bigger units become the EXPONENTIALLY bigger/bigger become the rigidity deficits.....
So - you might want to think about building smaller "rigid" modules and connect them with a specific amount of flex allowed.
Chassis-Living area interface!
Hey Free Radical: ...check out this vid:
...you won't find a single Tatra - I bet it is because of the ridiculous front overhang these rigs have. The newer machines are loads better, but your sample video doesn't TATRA any good regarding off-road-ability!
And knowing how capable these off-roaders are building their rigs, there must be some design issues that doesn't let them move the cab way back.
For a trial machine - the first thing you want terrain to touch on your ride are the TIRES - front and rear, preferably to about 105° (15° past vertical....)
Actually the above video is a good study on off-road capability - approach and break over angles, etc.... - it also shows, that for an RV (...at the end the Terraliner will be solid RV, but an RV nevertheless), most of what you see you will never use that capability! You won't have recovery teams standing by, nor will you want to risk all your "apartment/home" gear getting thrown all over the place!!
So, as fantastic as they look and as capable as Expedition Vehicles may be - you about NEVER use that capability (...in an RV)!
If you don't do that - WHAT's the point building such a capability into your rig??
Your video reference shows EXACTLY my point - no real "near off-road" terrain, but going FAST capability over extremely rough roads. Military doesn't mind periodic high intensity maintenance (not part of THEIR efficiency concern).
Even if your rig (RV/Explorer) could do it, I doubt you would ACTUALLY run that fast on the same roads.....
Trial/Rally/War are different than RV/Exploring/Camping.....
And another one to reflect on your ACTUAL needs concerning off-road-able RVs! These are regular road-buses, with most likely no more than a locker in the rear axle, NO all wheel drive, and few that are slightly lifted. Look at the roads they negotiate and think about how much WORSE would you RISK to go - even if you have a monster trial/off-road rig....
'nough said!
Cheers all,