Texas to Alaska to Texas. 2020 Honda Accord Hybrid driving on the Dalton Highway and the Dempster Highway. July/August 2023.

Iditarod Trail Race headquarters in Wasilla, AK

I never knew anything about the Iditarod Race until now. Very interesting annual event done by these Alaskan Huskies. It is a 1,000 miles long race done by these dogs in extreme cold weather. Under 40 degrees! The race lasts about 8 to 11 days, depending on how fast you complete it. During the race, they run 125 miles everyday.
The video says many breeds of dogs have been crossed to finally come out with the genetically refined and supercharged Alaskan Husky that is bred as a performance sled dog.

The Iditarod headquarters is definitely worth a visit.



You pay $10. a person for a 2 minute ride. I took a picture of the people going before I did.

The last turn on my ride

When they are done, they take a break.

The visitor center and movie room







And this is the movie room where you watch the 25 minutes long video about the Iditarod Trail race

Thier little shoes they were to protect their paws during the race

The prices they win, while the dogs win more food.
I met Al and his son at the start of the Alaska Highway during the start of my road trip. We stroke a good conversation, and he was nice to tell me that if I wanted to visit his town in Alaska, he would show me around and buy me lunch.

Fast forward many days later, we stayed in touch and he gave me some recommendations of places to visit. I could not make it to his town, but he decided to drive out of his way to come and join me to visit Hatcher Pass. He told me he had a gift for me before I left Alaska.

Al was so kind to drive out of his way to come and meet me so we could explore Hatcher Pass together. This is a very beautiful drive on a well maintained dirt road up the mountains. This road is opened for a limited time during the year, and I see why. It is a very beautiful drive. I definitely recommend it.

Thanks, Al, and thanks for the very thoughtful gift. We took pictures together as I wore the hat that he brought for me. Even as we parted ways, he still reminded me that any time I visit his town, he will take me out for a meal.




Hatcher Pass summit with Summit Lake in the background

The landscape is so beautiful that I saw a bride taking her wedding pictures after hiking halfway up the mountain in her wedding dress.
Denali National Park. I chose to take the cheaper green transit bus for $32. I think it was the best choice because the experience was just like a tour except not having water or a snack like the people on the tour get.

Our driver told us a lot, as opposed to what people say the green bus drivers do not say anything since it is just a transit bus.

You can get off and on any green bus, but I never got off. Half of the bus did not get off. But some did get off while we picked up some other people along the way.

It was foggy today, so we did not see any of the mountains. Wildlife was very hard to find. I have been lucky to see abundant wildlife in many other cities in Alaska so far before today. So, I did not feel bad that we basically barely saw anything.

The tour took us a total 5 hours round trip. We didn't see enough to make those 5 hours interesting.

The bus depot where all buses pick up and drop off all passengers



After 1 hour, first restroom break where all buses stop

Mile 43, where all tours end. To here took us 3 hours of driving. That includes stopping for the restroom and stopping when we see wildlife. Buses make a u-turn here and head back.


I am in Fairbanks tonight and looking forward to driving the Dalton Highway tomorrow. I have checked my car this night and decided all systems are good to go for the long drive tomorrow.

It is 497 miles from Fairbanks to Deadhorse. That is about 500 miles one way. That is a total of 1,000 miles round trip. I plan to complete it in 3 days.

I will take off at about 7am. I plan to have lunch in Coldfoot. I will keep on driving after lunch since I plan to sleep in my car tomorrow. So, I will pull over for that anywhere as from Atigun Pass.

I am hoping I do not get any flat tires. If I find anybody in distress, I will stop to help them. Same as if I have any mechanical problems I will be happy if others stop to assist me.


Active member
I've not visited for a while but it's great to see your progress!

I recognize many of the same places you are visiting! I was there in February, so the scenery was quite different, but we drove a lot of the same roads and visited a lot of the same places.

Keep going!
My 2020 Honda Accord Hybrid with 92,000 miles conquered the Dalton Highway today. I drove from Fairbanks to Deadhorse. It took me a total of 16 hours from start to finish, including a lot of stops for pictures and food.

I really put that Accord through some real abuse. The car is caked in dirt. It performed great, but it had a lot of challenges, and when it was about to cross the finish line, I had a flat tire!

Start of my journey and mandatory picture at Dalton Highway sign.





Yukon River with information center




Next was Finger Mountain




The next stop was the Arctic Circle



The next stop was Coldfoot. This is also where you find the Arctic Interagency Visitor center. This is where you get your certificate for crossing the Arctic Circle. Coldfoot is where many people stop to spend the night or eat. I stopped to eat and the food was good. I got gas at the highest price I have seen so far on this trip at $7.499 a gallon.






And the restaurant at Coldfoot. The burger was very good. I had a side of beef stew instead of fries.



Coldfoot restaurant and gas station

Coldfoot hotel and campground

After Coldfoot, it is worth a stop to take pictures of these mountains

Here comes Atigun Pass. The most respected section of the road for being the most challenging in bad weather. My Accord struggled a bit with a lot of mud and a small shower



Top of Atigun Pass



My Accord was doing great throughout the journey. I mean, she was taking some serious beating, but she was hanging in there. I finally got on the last 50 miles of beautiful paved road. 2 minutes later, my TPMS light came on. That was a shock. I immediately pulled over, and yes, I just got a flat. I opened my hood and my trunk. As soon as I did that, I saw these 3 huge trucks pull over to shield me from any accidents. These 3 guys came out and asked if I had a flat. I said yes. They said they would fix it for me and asked me to get my jack for them. Then they saw I had a full spare. They said they would help me change it, and I can get the punctured tire fixed tomorrow when the tire shop is open. They said they would go ahead and change the tire for me. Lol, I told them I needed to capture this moment. I got out my drone and started taking pictures of this moment. These guys were done pretty fast. I thanked them a lot and asked their names. They told me Rob, Cameron, and Ben. I asked if I could tip them. They said no, that they are just happy to help. I asked if I could buy them something to drink. They said no. They told me if I really want to do something, when next I get to Coldfoot, let me please buy a food voucher for any amount of money and tell the restaurant to give it for free to any trucker to have a warm meal. I said I would gladly do that tomorrow on my way back to Fairbanks. I asked to take a picture with them and they liked that! Then I thanked them a lot as they left, and I left to drive my last 50 miles to Deadhorse.





The full spare tire I bought for this trip in case I have a flat. It came in very handy

Starting from the guy next to me. These are my guardian angels who changed my tire for me without even letting me help one bit. Rob, Ben, and Cameron. Thanks again for all your help.

And my Accord finally pulled up to the famous photo spot to confirm that it has made the trip all the way to Deadhorse!

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I immediately pulled over, and yes, I just got a flat. I opened my hood and my trunk. As soon as I did that, I saw these 3 huge trucks pull over to shield me from any accidents. These 3 guys came out and asked if I had a flat. I said yes. They said they would fix it for me and asked me to get my jack for them. Then they saw I had a full spare. They said they would help me change it, and I can get the punctured tire fixed tomorrow when the tire shop is open. They said they would go ahead and change the tire for me. Lol, I told them I needed to capture this moment. I got out my drone and started taking pictures of this moment.

That's amazing. What an awesome thing to read. Always nice to hear there are still some good people out there who will help someone out just to help out.
Two days ago was a very hectic one. I spent the night at a hotel instead of my car. At 10pm, I called 2 hotels, and the second one said a night was $175. I told them that it is almost 11 pm and I am leaving at 6 am, so can I have a discount and pay $100? He said if only I had cash. I said yes. So, I went and got the room for $100 cash. He took me to the cafeteria and told me food was unlimited and free for me to eat like I wanted. Well, I did just that. I ate a lot that night because it was "free." The next morning, I packed a good lunch and some for the road. I went ahead to attend the Arctic Ocean tour. It was 2 hours long and not worth the $70 they charge for it. But I enjoyed it. Almost everybody in the group got into the ocean. A few got almost naked. It was interesting. I met 2 older women on the bus who were each doing solo journeys on their own coming from different states. They paid for a tour from Fairbansk to Dalton and would fly from Dalton back to Fairbanks to get their cars and go continue their separate journeys.





From there, I went to get my flat tire repaired. They told me it would be $225 to repair my tire. After I collapsed and woke up, I asked to speak to the boss. The guy took me to the boss. I pleaded my case about the cost and my tire, and he was nice to let my tire be repaired for $100.




I got on the road late for my drive to Wiseman, AK, where I spent the night. I decided to take as many pictures as I could on my drive on the Dalton for the last time, while hoping not to have another flat.




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