The AdventureDuo is back in business Cruiserwise


Expedition Leader
Well, after having to go a whole week without an expedition vehicle to call their own, the AdventureDuo is ready to roll again in the more-svelte-than-their-last-truck (hard to imagine, ain't it) LC80 Dave and Yosh created.


Dave hitched a ride up here with his buddy Pete Trasborg, arrived a bit after 8:00, had a look around at my stuff and then they took the Cruiser out in search of the perfect ale, which they politely brought back so we could sit around comparing notes until midnight. They left this morning about 7:00, headed to Thom's to reunite the Cruiser with the Adventure Trailer.

I'll miss the 80 and the AT, but I'm proud of my thinner signature line . . . and that thing about them "going to a good home" absolutely couldn't be truer.


We could not be home when Dave came by, so we just left it in the driveway. The video cameras recorded the event.


(It's time to clean the front element on that camera.)

I can't wait to hear Dave's account of the 20 point turn that he needed to get it out of the driveway.


Truly unbelievable story to follow!
And a great community here to be a member of!

Ill see the AdventureDuo reunited in two weeks or so back here in SoCal. :victory: Drive safe Dave and crew.


Expedition Leader
Dave, the Cruiser and the Adventure Trailer are all safely home. Dave sent me an e-mail at 6:33 this evening saying he was home safe, beat (wonder if the 2200 miles in three days had any effect? :) ) and would have more to say later.

Thanks to all you who have, in the various threads, expressed appreciation to Thom Dyson and myself for getting the AdventureDuo reunited with with their rig. For the two of us, it was a good opportunity to be able to provide one of our "cornerstone" overlanding teams with what they needed to continue, and we are pleased everything worked out so well.


Explorer, Overland Certified OC0020
:clapsmile Very Cool!! Looking forward to the stories and photographs.



I drove 2000 miles round trip to pick up my adventure trailer afew weeks ago I was whooped after that little trip. Denver to Reno in and back in three days. Congrats looks like a sweet set up.


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Home in Sunny SoCal


Yes, the Duo is home and the 80 and AT are parked safely inside from the triple digit heat. Mike i wish i was still at your place where it was nice and cool. It's hotter than heck here.

I want to thank both Mike and Thom for making this all possible. Once again, words cannot be express how grateful we are. Mike, thank you for the hospitality and giving us the full fledged bachelor pads to sleep in with our very own bathroom and shower. Thank you also for the tour of the Hiscox overland facility. It's truly amazing. Thom, thanks for fixing the junction box, it got us home safely and the trailer never had a mishap.

Pics of the journey are being uploaded.. i'll get a couple up soon. Just trying to get my work done here and this weekend i'll start in on the cruiser/trailer oogling.
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Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
BTW, How was Brennan Island?

It was ok. Nothing really to write home about. It was like camping at a park in the middle of two rivers. The bugs were in full force and so were the loud groups next to us. I woke to a mom yelling at her kids in the AM :wings:

...But it was exactly what i wanted. Close to your house and easy to get into and out of. After 11 hours on the road, that's all i cared about. Oh that and cracking open a cold one or twelve. Good times, good times for sure.

Im waiting for Pete to send me some photos, he took all the pics from the other rig.


El Gringo Spectacular! it just me, or is anyone else drooling over the garages....

I'd love to be able to pull the 70 inside with the RTT on it!



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