for what its worth carved out a good living as a photographer most my life and also have a post production company
its not the camera these days

so really anything you can get into is going to do great stuff

of course nicer glass etc... helps but again its the person shooting so that can come later for sure
if your buddy is going to help you out and is used to canon that alone is a good reason also might be able to try lens he has etc... and lost of folks shoot canon
I am not up if that is the latest model or not ?
I shoot both FF and M4/3 as a pro the one reason I do love the M4/3 is the size is nice and small and the quality is there without any issue and quite a few pro friends use the Oly or Fuji and a couple use Panasonic but they are more video guys
most all but about 2 of the full time pros I know also use FF gear along with the M4/3 but can say that pretty much %100 of our fun regular shooting is M4/3 its that good
really its about your budget and what you will be happy with
AND what you want to take ?
wilde life when camping ? fishing trips ? or the kids or dogs or ?
that can change things a bit also do you want to be able to shoot in lower light or will it be all scenic kinda stuff etc...
if its all around then things open up a bit more IMHO
all that said
if this is a general camera just to take pics and some video some of the cameras like the Sony RX100 III
are also incredible little cameras and truly a take with you every where kinda setup
larger setups that are still tiny compared to FF gear and have super zooms
are another option
hope that helps some but its a huge market and a ton of gear can be found
is it for general everything ?
does it need to be water proof ?
super long lens or not ? (such as to get wildlife far away)
do you want a faster lens that is good in low light ?
sports or fast moving things ?
does video matter ?
does bulk and size and weight matter to much ?
those are some things to know for sure